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Falun Gong at the EU Foreign Ministers' Meeting In Nykoping, Sweden

May 18, 2001 |  

On May 5th and 6th, a meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the European Union was held in Nykoping, Sweden, the hometown of Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh. About 50 practitioners from all parts of Sweden participated in various activities throughout the weekend.

We began on May 5 with a parade going up to the City Hall where the ministers' meeting was being held. We spoke to people and handed out information about Falun Dafa to the public. Through a loudspeaker we read an open letter to Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh, and related other information about Falun Dafa. We displayed banners reading, "Falun Gong," "Please Help Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in China," "Thank You for your Support," and so on. Hundreds of media representatives from all over Europe were present, and some interviewed us. The atmosphere was very harmonious, peaceful, and positive. Since a large number of other groups were also demonstrating, the square of the City Hall was closed off. However, we were invited to hand deliver a letter addressed to Foreign Minister Anna Lindh and to deliver the latest information about the persecution of Falun Dafa in China to the political advisers of both Anna Lindh and Prime Minister Goran Persson. This took place on the stairs of the City Hall. We had quite a long discussion with them. We learned that, not only were they very positive towards our efforts, but they were also wellinformed of the situation in China.

When the Swedish Foreign Minister returned to the City Hall from her lunch break, she turned towards us, smiled, and did heshi.

In the evening, we had many opportunities to walk in small groups around the town, talk to people, and do spontaneous outreach activities. The police in Sweden were very helpful and nice to us and often encouraged us. They appreciated the approach we took as well as the atmosphere that we created, and they were usually more than happy to receive information about Falun Dafa.

Late on Saturday night when the ministers and VIP's returned to port after a dinner cruise that toured the archipelago, we spontaneously had a very peaceful and serene demonstration (with the approval of the police) without displaying banners. About 40 practitioners performed the exercise movements for them. This was done in the spirit of appreciation for what they had done to help us. It so pleased the Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs that she personally came up to greet and chat with us. This activity had in fact been suggested by the police, who later remarked that it turned out to be a beautiful way to greet the ministers' arrival.

On Sunday we held another parade up to the City Hall and had similar presentations as on the day before. But this time a few of us were allowed to walk around the square to talk to the media and others, as there were no rowdy or offensive groups demonstrating that day. We had many opportunities to talk to and deliver our literature to members of the media from all over Europe. The Falun Dafa music could be heard softly throughout the square, creating a very peaceful atmosphere.

On Sunday afternoon, an interview with one of the practitioners was televised. The news reporter pointed out in her presentation of the segment that we had a lot of support from the police who were placed in Nykoping that weekend. In another segment showing interviews of the ministers, the Dafa music could be clearly heard playing in the background.

Once again, the crimes of Jiang Zemin were exposed to all of Europe, and people were able to clearly see and feel the peaceful spirit of Falun Gong.

Falun Dafa practitioners in Sweden