On May 13, World Falun Dafa Day, Taegu, Korea was a very clear and sunny place. On 9am of that morning, the plaza of Dade Culture Palace was filled with practitioners extending their greetings to all the practitioners in Korea in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day.

The plaza of Dade Culture Palace was soon filled with over 300 practitioners and over 150 newcomers who saw ads about the celebration and came to learn about Falun Dafa. We were greatly encouraged to see so many people coming to obtain the Fa, and the newcomers were very interested to see so many practitioners practicing in a group. During the several hours of the learning session, not a single person left. One area was for group practice and the other area was for those who were learning for the first time. The whole palace had a peaceful and warm atmosphere.

There was an experience sharing conference in the afternoon and, the atmosphere was very sacred and peaceful. Eight of the practitioners who shared their experiences received loud applause from the audience. All of the attendee's were moved and inspired from listening to their experiences.
The speeches from the practitioners this year have all improved greatly when compared to the experience sharing conference held in Korea last October. Korean practitioners have improved a lot in the areas of Fa-study, practicing cultivation during Fa-rectification, and understanding the Fa from the Fa's perspective.

In order to make this experience sharing conference a success, the Taegu Assistance Center did a lot of considerate preparation and planning with the Korean Falun Dafa Association. They made about ten thousand fans imprinted with Falun Dafa characters and Falun symbols, as well as many umbrellas, hats, balloons and various flyers. Besides these, they also made Falun Dafa pictorial posters.
This conference was the largest activity in Korea since the establishment of the Korean Falun Dafa Association in March. Many practitioners were involved in this activity, and it showed that Hongfa (the Chinese term for spreading Dafa to people) in Korea is reaching a new stage.
May 14, 2001
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