1. April 21 is "Earth Day" in the US. About 50 practitioners participated in the annual celebration in Berkeley, CA. In the morning, while waiting for the parade to start, practitioners practiced the exercises with the music. The exercises attracted many tourists, and practitioners started to introduce Falun Dafa to them. When they learned about the persecution in China, many of the tourists immediately signed the petition to ask the Chinese government to stop the persecution and expressed their willingness to help more people know about Falun Gong. 450 people signed the petition on that day.
2. On the same day, practitioners at UC-Berkeley attended the Chinese New Year Sodality sponsored by the international student organization on the campus. They introduced Falun Gong and the persecution in China to the students and professors. The students, who have a tradition of upholding human rights, are very responsive. The picture shows the Berkeley practitioners introducing Falun Gong to the tourists.
3. Also on the same day, the "Earth Day" celebration was held in California's capital city of Sacramento. Many tourists stopped by the Falun Gong booth. They were very concerned about the persecution in China and were happy to know Falun Gong in person.