As a part of the celebration of the Canadian Falun Dafa Festival, large-scale Hongfa activities, including a big group exercise and parade, were held in Quebec City, Quebec on May 21.
About 200 practitioners participated in the celebration. They came from Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec City, and other cities of Canada, and also from the United States, France, Sweden, and other countries.
At 11:00 a.m., practitioners began practicing the Falun Dafa exercises in front of the Parliament Buildings of Quebec where there are lots of tourists. The huge Falun emblem and Dafa banners in Chinese, English and French attracted people's attention. With the melodious Dafa music, the peaceful and serene spectacle of the Dafa practitioners' exercise formed an intense contrast to the pictures showing the brutal persecution of Dafa practitioners by Jiang Zemin's regime, and deeply touched the hearts of those who passed by. Many read the materials revealing the truth, and asked questions about Dafa.
At 1:00 p.m., a press conference was held in front of the Parliament Buildings. Newspapers including Le Soleil and Journal de Quebec, and TV stations including CBC, TQS and Global Television Network came to report on the activities. Practitioners introduced Dafa to the media and disclosed the brutal persecution of Dafa practitioners by Jiang Zemin's regime. Several western practitioners presented their personal experiences on how Dafa had benefited them in both body and mind. The media then interviewed the practitioners Cuiying Zhang, Jinyu Li and Heping Shou each of whom had been persecuted in China. Among them, the Canadian resident, Heping Shou's passport had been withdrawn by the Chinese Embassy due to his practicing Falun Dafa in Canada.
After the press conference, at about 2:00 p.m., practitioners began a parade from the Parliament Buildings to the old town of the city where there are always many tourists. The Dafa music and the serene parade attracted everyone's attention. With a smile people took the materials revealing the truth. The long parade ended at the famous Youville Square. Practitioners then again began the exercises and worked to spread Dafa.
Finally, all the practitioners sat in meditation together, first eliminating any bad thoughts in their minds, karma, bad concepts or interference from the outside, and then eliminating the evil within the three realms while holding the right hand upright in front of the chest. The whole activity finished successfully at 3:00pm.
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Category: April 25 Events