[Minghui Net]

On the morning of April 29, 2001, Las Vegas Dafa practitioners held their first Falun Gong press conference in Desert Breeze Park. They introduced the true story of the "April 25" peaceful appeal to the media and public, and exposed the crimes of Jiang Zemin and his clique's persecution of Falun Gong. The reporters from the biggest English newspaper in Las Vegas Las Vegas Review Journal, a Chinese weekly newspaper Nevada Zixun Bao, and "Fang Guangming" TV station, attended the press conference.
Around 80 Dafa practitioners from the west areas of U.S. participated in the activities. Practitioners demonstrated the five sets of exercises quietly in the hot sun. Dafa practitioners Sam and Vennesa, who have suffered personally due to Jiang Zemin's orders to persecute Falun Gong, gave speeches to expose some of the countless crimes Jiang and his gang has committed. The westerners in the conference shed tears for Falun Gong practitioners' tragic experiences. The reporters interviewed some local practitioners, and the practitioners who had experienced persecution in the Mainland China.
Las Vegas City mayor Oscar Goodman sent his assistant, William Cassidy to attend the press conference. Mr. Cassidy said in his speech, "The city mayor's office is well aware that it is not the first time that the Chinese government has violated human rights. The mayor awarded "Falun Dafa Day" to you so as to tell you that our city government protects the city residents' freedom of speeches, freedom of religions and freedom of beliefs. In Las Vegas, you may feel free to do your practice and meditation. If anyone disturbs you, please report to the city government promptly." Nevada Senator John Ensign asked his assistant to show his support by making a phone call to the local practitioners.
Jiang Zemin's clique has used the diplomatic channels to spread anti-Falun Gong materials everywhere in Nevada, however, "No one can damage the Fa" as our Master has said. We are pleasantly surprised to notice that people are gradually seeing through the lies made by Jiang Zemin clique. We are receiving more and more support from government officials. More and more media are giving positive reports. Within this week, three newspaper, one TV station, and one university campus newspaper, positively reported the news on Falun Dafa.
U.S. Las Vegas practitioners
May 2, 2001