(Clearwisdom Net) Tong Zhentian, male, 22, Nancheng Street, Shulan City of Jilin Province, went to Beijing's Tiananmen Square to appeal for Falun Dafa's innocence in January this year. He was arrested by policemen and brutally tortured. After he told the policemen where he came from, he was sent back to Shulan City Public Security Bureau and was illegally sentenced for one-year in a labor camp. During his stay in Jilin Labor Camp, he refused to give up his believe in Falun Dafa and was horribly tormented by the labor camp officials. His physical and mental health deteriorated severely and he was in extremely critical condition.
The labor camp sent him back home in order to shirk their responsibility, but Mr. Tong's health did not improve after returning home. Even so, the malevolent labor camp officials did not spare him. They went to his home and tried to force him to write a letter to denounce Falun Dafa. They threatened to take him back to the labor camp if he refused to do so. Mr. Tong resisted firmly. Unfortunately, due to his severe injuries from the torture, Mr. Tong Zhentian died on July 4, 2001.
This is another blood debt owed by Jiang Zemin and his followers. We appeal to all conscientious people and governments in the world to help put a stop to the killing and torture by these hate-filled people; to restore Falun Dafa and Master Li's reputation; to rectify all wrong-doings in this human world.
We solemnly warn Jiang Zemin and all his followers who participate in torturing and persecuting Falun Gong practitioners: stop this persecution and release all illegally detained practitioners, otherwise, you will receive immediate punishment by the Law of Universe.
Category: Deaths