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SCMP: Bush quizzes Tung over treatment of Falun Gong [Excerpt]

July 13, 2001 |   Greg Torode in Washington

Friday, July 13, 2001

Tung Chee-hwa was forced to defend Hong Kong's record on a range of freedom issues in his first White House meeting with US President George W. Bush early yesterday. Mr Bush, who said he hoped to visit Hong Kong this autumn, quizzed the Chief Executive on Hong Kong's treatment of the Falun Gong spiritual movement during a 30-minute meeting in the Oval Office.


Mr Bush had expressed fears that the mainland crackdown against the Falun Gong might spill over into the SAR, the official said.

"The Chief Executive pointed out that the SAR operated under different rules and that there was a strong commitment in that direction in Hong Kong," the official said.

