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Overcoming the Fear of Distributing Dafa Materials

September 14, 2001 |  


In this human dimension, everyday people just simply can't take any rejection well. When they sense or imagine that they might get negative results or rejected because of the things they do, they will unconsciously try to find a way to excuse themselves. I used to be this way until I finally came to understand the true meaning of Fa-rectification:

The Fa-rectification period offers a very unique cultivation environment that has never been seen before, and it is extremely precious. As Dafa disciples, we should seize and cherish this moment, and make the best use of it. Generally, people are kind and glad to accept our handouts, but I still had to overcome my fear by first sending forth the righteous thoughts such as

Now, whenever I hand out flyers, no matter what kind of brush-off that I may encounter, it no longer has any effect on me as my righteous thoughts echo in my mind, naturally and constantly.

The time is right for those who need to eliminate such attachments.