[China] Young Falun Dafa Practitioners from Northeastern China Travel to Tiananmen Square
[Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] A female Dafa Practitioner Bravely Destroys Evil Pictures
[China] Using Righteous Thoughts in the Face of Torture
[Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] The Police in Yonghong Police Substation Severely Beat a 14-year Old Dafa Practitioner
[Shandong Province] The General Situation of Some Dafa Practitioners Being Persecuted at South Campus of Shandong University
[Beipiao City, Liaoning Province] Stop the Persecution! Let My Parents Come Back Home as soon as Possible!
[Langfang City, Hebei Province] Brainwashing Classes Held Across the City
[Songzi City, Hubei Province] Partial List of Villains in Songzi City, Hubei Province
[Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Damage to Production Site of Falun Dafa Truth-clarifying Literature
[Tianjin City] Shuangkou Labor Camp Takes Despicable Approaches to Force Everyday People to Commit Crimes Against Falun Dafa
[Hengshui City, Hebei Province] Hengshui Detention Center Persecutes Dafa Practitioners
[Anshan City, Liaoning Province] Scams During the First Round of Brainwashing Classes
[Bo Xing County, Shandong Province] The Final Struggles of Evil Perpetrators
[Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioners From Shenyang Agricultural Bank Kangping County Division Were Kidnapped
[Beian City, Heilongjiang Province] The Brutal Cops Ransack and Extort Money and Sieze Assets
[Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province] Exposing the Evil in Majialong Labor Camp
[Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] The Zhangshi Labor Camp Keeps Falun Dafa Practitioners Past their Sentences
[Jiamusi City] The Authorities at a Railway Station Capture Falun Dafa Practitioners with the Excuse that They Are Searching for Dangerous Items
[Jiansanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province] Unjust Policemen Set Up Checkpoints on the Road which Cause Innocent People to Commit Crimes against Dafa
[Qiqihar City] The Shuanghe Labor Camp Uses Base Means to Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners
[Dafeng City, Jiangsu Province] The Third Brigade of the Fangqiang Labor Camp Cruelly Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioners
[Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Anthrax (a severe and highly contagious disease) Appears in Jinzhou
1. [China] Young Falun Dafa Practitioners from Northeastern China Travel to Tiananmen Square
In September 2001, two young Falun Dafa practitioners from a city in the northeastern part of China went together to Beijing to safeguard the Fa. They had never been far from home before, and they traveled with no adult company. They unfurled banners in Tiananmen Square and shouted loudly, "Falun Dafa is good" so as to validate Dafa and fulfill their vows made long ago. Under the protection of Teacher's law bodies, they have returned home safely.
2. [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] A female Dafa Practitioner Bravely Destroys Evil Pictures
On September 7, six departments, including Jinzhou Municipal Political and Judiciary Committee, 610 Office, and Science and Technology Association, under the control of the evil forces, held a picture exhibition slandering Dafa so as to further deceive people. After hearing this news, Dafa practitioners in Jinzhou City immediately sent out righteous thoughts in order to resist it.
On September 8, the second day of the evil exhibition, Dafa practitioner Yuan Zhongxia went to the show's location with awe-inspiring righteousness. Her intention was to immediately stop the deliberate sabotage of Dafa by the evil forces in an upright and aboveboard manner, and to save more innocent people from being deceived. She destroyed on the spot all the boards slandering Dafa. The evil ruffians were struck dumb with fear by the Dafa practitioner's strong and righteous thoughts. On that day, they ended their criminal act in dejection. The exhibition had been originally planned to run for twelve days.
Dafa practitioner Yuan Zhongxia was arrested and has now been detained in the Jinzhou Labor Camp No. 2. She immediately went on a hunger strike to protest in the labor camp, and resisted the evil's illegal persecution with determination.
We give stern warning to those evil people who insist upon persecuting Dafa, that good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be met with evil. For your own futures, and for the rest of your own lives, please stop before it is too late.
3. [China] Using Righteous Thoughts in the Face of Torture
At the end of July, a group of plainclothes policemen ambushed and kidnapped a Dafa practitioner who had been cultivating for only one year. After humiliating her using all possible means, and beating her up severely, she was put onto the "tiger bench (a torture device)." The evil policemen tortured her for ten hours, trying to force her into confessing about her fellow practitioners. She used her righteous thoughts to look right into the eyes of the evil perpetrators, without saying a single word. The evil policemen handcuffed her two hands behind her back in exasperation and hung her up. They even put a heavy object around her neck. Three electric batons were used to shock her all over her body. She was beaten black and blue until she had bloody blisters all over, and her wrists were left torn and bloody with gaping flesh. Since the policemen did not get anything they wanted, they sent her to the labor camp for further persecution. She used her strong and righteous thoughts, determinedly refusing to co-operate with the evil, and went on hunger strike for seventeen days without drinking any water. She was released when her body began to have involuntary seizures all over. During the whole process, her fellow practitioners outside of the labor camp continued to help her by sending forth righteous thoughts to eradicate the evil. Dafa practitioners make up an integrated group. At this moment, the power of the group is plain to see.
4. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] The Police in Yonghong Police Substation Severely Beat a 14-year Old Dafa Practitioner
The policeman Guo Weishan from Jiamusi Yonghong Police Substation has severely beaten Dafa practitioners many times. In August, a 14-year-old Dafa practitioner was arrested while clarifying the truth to the people of the world. The little girl's face was beaten black and blue, and her eyes were swollen. This evil policeman has been exposed on the Internet several times. He still obstinately sticks to the wrong course after receiving retribution. We send out stern warning to this evil policeman: if you continue to do evil deeds, you will certainly receive retribution.
5. [Shandong Province] The General Situation of Some Dafa Practitioners Being Persecuted at South Campus of Shandong University
Professor Wang Haiqing, Ph.D. was illegally detained after going to Beijing to appeal around October 1st last year. Afterwards, he was sent to the brainwashing class in Lixia district. After returning home, he was again kept under close surveillance.
Zhang Zhenzhong, an undergraduate student in the Management Science Department who has been enrolled since 1997, was expelled from school after going to Beijing to appeal last April.
Xia Guodong, a graduate student enrolled since 1999, was illegally sentenced to forced labor after one month of illegal detention after going to Beijing to appeal last October.
Zhang Yan, a graduate student enrolled in 1998 in the Computer Science Department, is in the same situation as Xia Guodong. The details and current information for these two are still unknown.
Kong Xianglin, a student enrolled in 1998, has been illegally detained since he went to Beijing to appeal last October. After being released, he was sent to the brainwashing class and severely beaten after joining a gathering of fellow practitioners on January 12. This spring, after reading Teacher's new article, he was very determined. We lost contact with him after the officers from the university public security section "talked" to him.
Hao Zengwang, an undergraduate student in the Dynamics Department, enrolled in 1997, was illegally detained and sent to the brainwashing class because he went to Beijing to appeal last October. He went home after being suspended from school, right before New Year's Day. This February, he was forced to leave home and wander destitute far away to resist against the forced brainwashing.
Pang Guangwen, an undergraduate student of the Civil Construction Department, enrolled in 1997, was illegally detained for one month by the school after going to Beijing last April. On October 1, he went again to Tiananmen Square to safeguard the Fa, and was illegally detained for one month. Afterwards, he was again sent to the brainwashing class. During this time, he was inhumanly tortured, but remained determined in cultivation. In May of this year, the school accepted him back in order to force him into slandering Dafa. He was forced to leave school and wander destitute far from home.
6. [Beipiao City, Liaoning Province] Stop the Persecution! Let My Parents Come Back Home as soon as Possible!
An eight-year old boy who has not seen his father for ten months, and his mother for three months, has no alternative but to live with his relatives in the countryside. The other boys around him ask, "Do you miss your Mom?" "Yes!" he says. "Do you want to visit her?" they ask. "No," he replies. The memory of the policemen arresting his parents has left a very deep impression on him.
The boy's father is a determined Dafa practitioner, who worked in a middle school in Beipiao City, Liaoning Province. At the end of the year 2000, more than twenty Dafa practitioners from Beijing were sent to Beipiao Detention Center. Since they were far away from home, and the situation in the detention center was really bad, the boy's father brought some necessities of daily life to them. As a result, he was illegally arrested by the local policemen. Since he did not co-operate with the evil's arrangement and orders, he was sentenced to forced labor and transferred to Chaoyang Labor Camp. In the Labor Camp the evil forced him to attend the brainwashing class. He firmly reinforced his righteous thoughts. Based on his solid studying of the Fa, he faced the evil in an upright and aboveboard manner and validated the Fa. He made those evil beings that went astray in their enlightenment feel that they were at their wits' ends. Finally the evil persons dared not go near him, since they felt uncomfortable whenever they approached him. Because of this, he was transferred to Buxin in the first half of the year. In mid-June, he was again transferred to detention in Huludao City. At this point, his situation is still unclear.
The boy's mother is also a determined Dafa practitioner. She was arrested for spending eight thousand RMB Yuan (the average monthly salary in urban areas in China being around 500 RMB Yuan) to prepare the truth-clarifying literature to promote the universal Fa of "Truth, Compassion, and Tolerance." Until now she is still illegally detained beyond her term.
Since the police officers did not allow the family to visit, the poor boy spends every day in the countryside, and cannot go to school. His fervent hope is that his innocent parents who have been arrested will come home as soon as possible.
7. [Langfang City, Hebei Province] Brainwashing Classes Held Across the City
Over two hundred Falun Dafa practitioners have been forcibly sent to wicked brainwashing classes held in Yuecheng Hotel, the Employees' Institute of the Bureau of Piping, the Second Municipal Economic Development District and other places in Langfang City, Hebei Province. All practitioners are asked to send forth righteous thoughts in order to eliminate the evil.
8. [Songzi City, Hubei Province] Partial List of Villains in Songzi City, Hubei Province
Several perpetrators of crimes against Falun Dafa practitioners conspire together to enhance their persecution efforts. Following are some examples:
When several practitioners from Jieheshi Town were found in Beijing validating Falun Dafa, Zhou Gang (male), Director of Police Substation, Jieheshi Town, Songzi City, Hubei Province, went to Beijing to return the practitioners to their original towns for detention. Along the way, he handcuffed one of the practitioners in order to intentionally torture him. The practitioners informed Zhou that he was actually handcuffing and torturing himself, but Zhou did not listen to them and refused to remove the handcuffs. Practitioners began reciting passages from Falun Dafa books and, suddenly, Zhou was stricken with a stomach ache. His pain did not subside until he removed the handcuffs from the practitioner. Even after physical proof of the power of Falun Dafa, Zhou failed to learn his lesson, and continued to make trouble for Falun Dafa practitioners, once they were back in town.
Mr. Hu Shouwen, Deputy Director of the Political and Judiciary Committee in Songzi City, is the primary perpetrator of Falun Gong persecution in this area. He is also in charge of the local "610" Office (a nationwide agency established specifically to suppress Falun Gong).
Hu Shouwen, on numerous occasions, directed police officers to arrest, detain, beat and torture Dafa practitioners. He utilized threats, promises and various means to coerce the police to follow his evil orders.
Mr. Li Xianjin, Section Chief of the Political Security Section in Songzi City, is another villain who has been actively persecuting Falun Gong. He has conspired with Hu Shouwen in ordering arrests, performing illegal searches, torturing Falun Dafa practitioners, and extorting 100,000 Yuan RMB (The average monthly salary in urban areas in China is approximately 500 Yuan.) Much of the extortion occurred under the guise of collecting alleged "guarantee deposits". The money went directly into Li's own pocket. Some of these deposits were collected without any informal receipt, and even those who had receipts were not granted any refund when their time in detention had been served. A variety of false excuses were used to keep the deposits. With Li abusing this position, extortion against Falun Dafa practitioners has run rampant, as he instigates new schemes to steal money from innocent practitioners.
Phone numbers for the despicable perpetrators in this article are as follows:
Zhou's cellular phone number: 86-139-72102670.
Hu's telephone number: 86-716-6222296
Li Xianjin's cellular phone number: 86-139-07213839.
9. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Damage to Production Site of Falun Dafa Truth-clarifying Literature
In late August, Falun Dafa truth-clarifying literature was destroyed after an illegal search in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. Destruction of equipment and loss of cash totaled 150,000 Yuan.
We hereby warn the vicious police officers and villains of Jiang Zemin that those who cannot tell good from bad, and who can't distinguish between the righteous and evil, will repay their sinful karma in never-ending misery. Kind warning is given to the evil perpetrators that "if you do not immediately stop what you are doing, the heavenly law of retribution will be invoked."
10. [Tianjin City] Shuangkou Labor Camp Takes Despicable Approaches to Force Everyday People to Commit Crimes Against Falun Dafa
Family members are subjected to questioning and required to slander and defame the founder of Falun Dafa when they visit Falun Gong practitioners in Shuangkou Labor Camp, Tianjin City. Anyone who fails to succumb to the questioning and fails to produce written statements denouncing Falun Dafa, is denied a meeting with the detained practitioner. After answering all the questions, they will again be asked if they have provided the written statement voluntarily. The labor camp takes advantage of the anxiety of the family and the strong desire to see their loved ones; thus, they are able to coerce everyday people to commit crimes against Falun Dafa. Sometimes, even after all the questioning and statements, the family members are still denied a meeting in the labor camp, unless they purchase items for sale within the prison. All items sold in the labor camp are exorbitantly priced, and many of the items purchased are items they already brought along with them. Additionally, practitioners' families are required to order high-priced meals. If they don't, the meeting will last only twenty minutes, after which they are harassed and ordered to leave.
11. [Hengshui City, Hebei Province] Hengshui Detention Center Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioners
Four Falun Dafa practitioners who were illegally held in Hengshui City Detention Center began a hunger strike, in order to demand the unconditional release of practitioners who have been illegally detained, and whose terms have been extended without cause. Their hunger strike began on August 24, 2001, and has continued since that time. As a result of the hunger strike, these four practitioners have been cruelly persecuted. Li Shufang, Yin Chunmei, Li Jing and Xu Jie have all been illegally detained with charges imposed upon them, and the duration of their detention was supposed to be fifteen days. So far, Li Shufang has been held illegally for over ten months, Yin Chunmei and Li Jing has been in illegal custody for over four months, and Xu Jie has been detained for over a month.
Even before the hunger strike, the wicked police officers abused innocent Falun Dafa practitioners by denying them an opportunity for a walk, or they would shorten the duration of their time for such exercise. They inflicted numerous other forms of persecution, such as reducing the amount of food provided to practitioners, scolding and beating them, and banning practitioners from seeing their families or receiving food from home. While Falun Dafa practitioners are being cruelly treated and abused during their detention, the same authorities are making deals to favorably accommodate the criminal prisoners who have been convicted for violating the law.
Geng Zhanwu, Chief of the Detention Center, repeatedly curses the founder of Falun Gong and has committed immeasurably bad deeds, which result in sinful karma. If the perpetrators of this persecution do not repent, but continue to commit evil deeds, harsh retribution awaits them!
List of the wicked police officers in this institution are:
Geng Zhanwu (Chief of detention center);
Shen Zhongshan (Guard);
Wen Zengwen (Guard);
Li Jinliang (Guard).
12. [Anshan City, Liaoning Province] Scams During the First Round of Brainwashing Classes
The Political and Judiciary Committee has held the first round of brainwashing classes in Anshan City, with Cha Fengzhi as the organizer. The scams deployed during these classes are too numerous to list here, but several examples are provided which expose the evil nature of the organizers.
Scam 1: Since no one is willing to attend the brainwashing classes, organizers utilized a surprise attack type of approach. On one hand, whoever had been "invited" had to attend or they would be forcibly taken to the classes. On the other hand, deceptive tactics were utilized. In order to "persuade" practitioners to attend the class, they were coerced with statements like: "This is merely asking you to stay in such and such a vacation village. Just take it as a vacation, and you will be sent home in one week." These evil organizers demonstrated that any deceptive action was appropriate as long as the end result was the attendance of innocent practitioners in brainwashing classes.
Scam 2: Around 30 people attended the first round of brainwashing classes. Upon arrival, they first encountered armed police in a heavily guarded, highly secure area. Next, they were subjected to those who have enlightened along the "evil path," who inundated the righteous practitioners with false enlightenment materials in order to try and confuse them. The next day they were sent to the Anshan City Labor Camp to "experience life." There, they were shown scenes from the daily lives of those who had compromised with the evil and abandoned cultivation practice. However, the righteous practitioners were never allowed to contact genuinely firm cultivating practitioners who are under cruel persecution.
Scam 3: In the brainwashing classes, if one gives up cultivation, he or she is allowed to go home in one week. One who persists in cultivation will be held indefinitely and receive the threat of "being sentenced to forced labor reeducation on the spot."
These are the rules of law in China, blatantly violating basic human rights.
Also, there are several Falun Dafa practitioners whose terms have been served in Anshan City Labor Camp, but who are still being held in custody. The only reason their detention continues, is because they persist in cultivation.
Let us send forth righteous thoughts together, in order to suffocate and eliminate all evil used to persecute Falun Dafa and practitioners in the Anshan area. Our righteous thoughts will encompass everything evil, leaving nothing out.
13. [Bo Xing County, Shandong Province] The Final Struggles of the Evil Hooligans
On September 8, 2001, the evil authorities in Bo Xing County, started a wicked signature campaign. They had wronged many people and they are still coming up with new ways to commit crimes. What await them are endless painful punishments.
14. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioners From Shenyang Agricultural Bank Kangping County Division Were Kidnapped
Shenyang Agricultural Bank Kangping County Division kidnapped their workers; Yan Ping, Li Jie and Chen Yan [all were practitioners] on September 5th, and no one knows their whereabouts. Yan Ping's wife is paralysed and their 11-year old child just started school. No one is available to take care of his wife. The bank didn't inform family members or assign new employees to their positions before kidnapping them and disregarded the family member's safety. Their deeds are completely inhumane.
The Political Security Section Director Li Mi, of Kangping County Police Department is a wicked individual. He has sent over 60 people to labor camps and detained over 100 people. He abuses his power to extort money and properties from the practitioner's family members. Li Mi's phone number: 8624---87335588.
15. [Beian City, Heilongjiang Province] The Brutal Police Ransack and Extort Money and Properties
The Political Security Section Director Li Wenge, of the Police Department of Beian City, Heilongjiang Province, and his followers such as Wu Zhenming, illegally kidnapped practitioners, ransacked and extorted money. They would take any money and bags they saw. They tortured the practitioners in various ways.
August 9, 2001, at about 6pm, Wu Zhenming, Song, and a group of vicious police ransacked a practitioner's home. After the house was searched, they found some Dafa books and the Teacher's lecture CDs. These corrupt authorities acted as if they had found evidence and took all the valuable bags. One of the bags taken had 500 Yuan that a friend had temporarily left at the practitioner's house (about one month salary in China for an urban worker). Then they proceeded to kidnap the practitioner. These vicious acts are just like those done by bandits.
These brutal police were never satisfied. They ransacked many practitioners' homes without restraint and extorted money at will. If they found any Dafa related materials they would kidnap the practitioners instantly. Then they would threaten the family members that if they did not pay up they would send the practitioners to labor camp or jail. Every practitioner being caught had to pay a 3,000-Yuan "fine." The highest was over 10,000 Yuan. When they found a copy of Zhuan Falun in one of the homes, in addition to kidnapping that practitioner they extorted 15,000 Yuan (10,000 from the working unit and 5,000 from the practitioner's family).
These police are extremely violent. In one of their trials they beat a homeless practitioner from another town so badly that blood was all over his face, and they broke his fingers. Another practitioner fainted on the spot after witnessing this. They broke a tooth from another practitioner. Two female practitioners went on a hunger strike in Wu City custodial center to protest the illegal detention. Li Wenge, was enraged and threatened the practitioners, "Jiang [Zemin] ordered that if we beat you to death, it's considered suicide. If you don't stop the strike we will take off your clothes and throw you into the male cells."
We declare to these bandits here, it's the heaven's law that good will be rewarded with good and evil met with evil. If you do not stop at once, your lives will be eliminated completely in the endless repayment of karma. And we also want to advise the family members of the practitioners not to cooperate with the evil beings to pay fines; this will only sanction the evil beings and make them even more conceited.
Beian City Political Security Section phone number: 86456-6662144
Beian City Political Security Section Director Li Wenge phone number: 8613904564997
Brutal cop Wu Zhenming (nickname "Sanmingzi") phone number: 86456-6661600
Brutal cop Pan Yachen phone number: 86456-6660233
16. [Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province] Exposing the Evils in Majialong Labor Camp
January 14, 2001, is supposed to be the Chinese New Year's Eve when families are united. But the Police Department illegally arrested the practitioners of Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, and put them into a brainwashing class. The numerous brainwashing classes could not change the hearts of the firm practitioners. Becoming angered at his lack of success, at the end of July, the leader of the brainwashing classes took the practitioners to the Majialong Labor Camp to continue the brainwashing. They illegally sentenced some practitioners to 2 to 3 years of forced labor; their family members had no clue where they were and had to search for them all over the city. From winter to summer, the practitioners in this 8-month long brainwashing class have nothing but Dafa inside their minds. The leader of the class was unwilling to quit and locked them all into 4 square-meter cells with no windows. There was only a small hole through which food was delivered, and the practitioners had to eat and defecate inside the cell. A drug-addicted female prisoner was assigned to be the cell leader (she forbids practicing and studying Dafa). The practitioners have to endure these inhumane conditions all the time.
Recently, the wardens would resort to brutal beatings when they saw that the practitioners were not giving up. They would tie up their hands, suspend them and beat them. They shocked the practitioners using electric batons and forced them to curse Dafa and the Teacher. When the practitioners would not cooperate they would be hung higher so that their toes could not touch the ground. Their backs were placed inches away from nails so they could not lean backward. They could not go to the restroom urinate or defecate. They would not let the practitioners loose even when they were menstruating. The drug-addicted prisoner acting as cell leader could not withstand seeing the practitioners suffering so she helped clean the practitioners. They hung the practitioners for days, some even up to 8 or 9 days.
We appeal to the kind-hearted people to expose the inhuman actions of Majialong Labor Camp's evil warden. Stop the evil's persecution of the practitioners, and unconditionally release all the illegally detained practitioners at once.
Meanwhile, we hope that the fellow practitioners can send forth righteous thoughts together to eliminate all the evil in Jiujiang Majialong Labor Camp.
Shili Brainwashing Class, Judicial Department Head Zhang, phone number: 861307293237. City's Political and Judiciary Committee Li Jinsong, phone number: 8613907928127.
17. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] The Zhangshi Labor Camp Keeps Falun Dafa Practitioners Past their Sentences
The Fifth Brigade of the Shenyang Zhangshi Labor Camp is a dark den of evil forces that persecutes Falun Dafa practitioners. Those who enlighten along an evil path disperse their thoughts everywhere to bewilder practitioners. The labor camp resorts to torture, deprivation of sleep, and increasing amounts of labor to punish practitioners who are determined in their practice of Falun Dafa.
Practitioner Liu Jianguang has been deprived of sleep for over ten consecutive days in the labor camp. In the face of coercion, torture, and deception, he showed his solid determination and the greatness of a Falun Dafa practitioner. He was captured in October of 1999 and unjustly sentenced to one-year of labor reeducation. It has been almost two years up to today and his release date has long passed, but the Zhangshi labor camp refuses to release him. We hope practitioners around the world can send forth righteous thoughts simultaneously to eliminate the evil in the Zhangshi labor camp and to stop the persecution there.
Contact information:
Vice director of the Zhangshi Labor Camp who is in charge of the Falun Gong issue: Cheng Diankun's cell phone number: 011-86-13700027456
Management Section's telephone number: 011-8624-258l1657
The Fifth Brigade's telephone number: 011-8624-2581l547
18. [Jiamusi City] The Authorities at a Railway Station Capture Falun Dafa Practitioners with the Excuse that They Are Searching for Dangerous Items
Authorities from the Jiamusi railway station persecute Falun Dafa in order to carry out certain policies, and they find and capture practitioners using the excuse that they are making inspections in search of dangerous items. Not long ago, two practitioners from Hegang, a father and daughter, were captured because they were found carrying Falun Dafa literature. When the daughter came back from the bathroom, her father had lost consciousness. He died two hours later, after he was sent to a hospital. The details are still being investigated.
A female practitioner was captured because she was found carrying Falun Dafa literature. She was sent to a detention center and later to a labor camp. This practitioner sent forth powerful righteous thoughts and was unconditionally released within 24 hours. She joined the current of Fa-rectification right away.
It was recently reported that Falun Dafa practitioner Song Tao was captured at the Jiamusi railway station and sent to a detention center. The police station asked for 50,000 Yuan RMB (about the average income for six years of work) from Song's work unit; however, the work unit refused to pay.
Li Yanwei is an unjust policeman from the Jiamusi Qianjin Police Station, Yong-an Branch. He extorts and embezzles practitioners' money, and illegally searches and kidnaps practitioners. He is without a shred of decency or respect. He will for sure get retribution if he doesn't stop.
We hereby urge the perpetrators of these crimes to stop doing evil. Good will be rewarded and evil will be punished, and this is the heavenly principle. Don't get buried with Jiang's group.
19. [Jiansanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province] Unjust Policemen Set Up Checkpoints on the Road which Cause Innocent People to Commit Crimes against Dafa
Police set up a checkpoint on the main road of Jiansanjiang city, Heilongjiang province. All vehicles had to stop and every person in a vehicle had to get out and slander Falun Dafa before they were allowed to pass. If a person refused to do so, she/he would be captured. This evil deed has been carried out for over half a year and a lot of innocent people have been tricked into committing crimes against Falun Dafa. We hope practitioners can send forth righteous thoughts in order to eliminate the evil and offer salvation to people.
20. [Qiqihar City] The Shuanghe Labor Camp Uses Base Means to Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners
- The officials there used an informer named Lu Zong to get practitioner Wang Hongyan's home address. Lu Zong wrote a letter to Wang's husband Chen Jun which encouraged him to coerce Wang into giving up Falun Dafa by threatening her with divorce. Wang refused and her refusal made the divorce ineffective.
- They search practitioners' belongings and bodies without any decency or respect.
21. [Dafeng City, Jiangsu Province] The Third Brigade of the Fangqiang Labor Camp Cruelly Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioners
On May 27, 2001, the unjustly detained practitioners in the Fangqiang Labor Camp made four requests: 1. Remove all the slanderous banners against Falun Dafa and Teacher in the labor camp. 2. Return all the confiscated collections of Teacher's articles. 3. Release all the practitioners. 4. Punish the perpetrators of these unjust acts.
After their requests were refused, practitioners protested by refusing to perform the forced labor. On May 28, after receiving the instructions from higher authorities, captain Yu led over twenty people, including instructor Li Yongji, and Gao Bin, and policemen Cao, Sun Liming, and Wu, along with a case of electric batons, and they continually electrically shocked practitioners. They hung one practitioner upside down and stuck an electric baton into another practitioner's throat to shock him for over half an hour. The miserable yelling could be heard everywhere. Over 300 people in the labor camp witnessed the whole event.
Another practitioner was shocked until he became unconscious. The next day, they took him to the office and handcuffed him to a chair and started shocking him again. Later they forced the practitioners to write a "repentance statement." Practitioners who didn't do so were deprived of sleep, or forced to stand outside for lengthy periods of time in order to get bitten by numerous insects such as mosquitoes, or they were beaten and humiliated by inmates at the labor camp..
The labor camp employed all kinds of vile means in order to achieve the goal set by their authorities. They were supposed to force 30 --35% of practitioners to give up Falun Dafa. Jiangsu province issued a document which said that those practitioners who haven't written repentance statements can have their sentences prolonged when their time in the labor camp is up. So far, many practitioners' sentences have been unjustly prolonged.
22. [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Anthrax (a severe and highly contagious disease) Appears in Jinzhou
In late August, scores of people have been found stricken by the scourge Anthrax in Yi County, Jin County etc. in Jinzhou city, Liaoning province. According to people from the Jinzhou Sanitation and Epidemic Prevention Station, the Jinzhou Municipal Hospital has received 37 such patients, most of whom got the highly virulent disease by eating meat from infected livestock. The symptoms of the condition is such that the patients develop festering areas on their bodies that either spread from their inner organs to their skin or from their skin to their inner organs. Nine people have died so far. The authorities have strictly quarantined the villages and towns that have been stricken by the highly contagious disease. Nobody is allowed to go in or out of the area.