
The Victim's Background:

Name: Li Li; Gender: Female; Age: 30; Occupation: Former employee in some kind of shop, was forced to quit due to firmly practicing Falun Dafa; Mental illness history: None

The victim's first hand account of being sent to a mental hospital:

Because I firmly practiced Dafa and went to Beijing to appeal, the Pingdu police said that I had three choices: One was to be kept in detention by a work unit, another was to be submitted to forced labor education, and the last choice was to be sent to a mental hospital. (The victim was later sent to a mental hospital. She was tricked into going by people who claimed that they were taking her to the Political and Judiciary Committee for a talk.)

Date of hospitalization: June 8, 2000

Location: The Pingdu City Sixth People's Hospital (a mental hospital)

Chief instigator: The Pingdu City Police Department

Victim's standpoint: She didn't know she would be sent to a mental hospital. Otherwise, she absolutely would not have gone.

Signature for agreement to the hospitalization: none given

The person who signed the hospitalization document: unknown

The situation after being hospitalized:

Doctor in charge: Doctor Jin (first name is unknown), female, around forty years old

Diagnostic process: none

Diagnostic results: none

Treatment: Treatments mainly consisted of taking medicine, injections, and sometimes electric shock. The doctor in charge did not allow the victim to practice the Falun Dafa exercises and asked her to give up her cultivation. Police asked the victim to write documents that slandered Falun Gong. They said that she could leave the hospital after she finished writing and that she would be kept there if she didn't write them.

Was the victim informed about diagnostic results: no

Was the medicine used explained to the victim: no

Symptoms to be treated: unknown

Were the side effects of the medicine explained to the victim: no

Dosage: a small amount each time

The punishment for refusing to take medicine: A group of doctors and nurses would force the victim on the floor and restrain her legs, arms, head, and body, pinch her nose, and force the medicine into her mouth and down her throat. Or, two of them would restrain the victim on a chair with her face upright, cuff her hands behind the chair, pinch her nose, and force the medicine into her mouth and down her throat. The victim almost suffocated. After being forced-fed medicine, her whole body was soaking wet with sweat. The first time when the victim refused to take the medicine, a doctor and some nurses tied her to a bed with her arms and legs separated. The names of the forced-fed medicine were unknown to the victim.

The reactions and symptoms after taking the different types of medicine: After taking medicine and being given injections, the victim's body became swollen. She was sleepy all day, and drooled while in an unconscious state. She could not control her hands and feet. She could not stand up after squatting down. When her family members saw this, they all cried and had no idea how to deal with it.

The situation after being discharged:

Her head was in a lot of pain. She could hardly sleep, and was awake all night with her eyes open. Later, through practicing the exercises and studying the Fa (principles, the law of the universe), she completely recovered without taking any medicine.

The number of days spent in hospitalization: 123 days