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Summary of Other Articles and News - 01/07/2002

January 10, 2002 |  



The Voice of Justice

From September 30th to October 4th, the International Conference of the World Psychiatric Association was held in the Spanish capital of Madrid. A seminar regarding the misuse of psychiatric treatment to persecute Falun Gong practitioners in China was given. Professor Cox, the Chairman of the Royal Psychiatric Association of the United Kingdom motioned to implement the resolution passed in July by the European Chapter: ".... Regarding sending an investigative group to China... and once the misuse of psychiatric treatment is found, China's membership in the Association would have to be reconsidered."

According to an Australian Falun Gong practitioner's family: "The murder case in Beijing" is a piece of fabricated news. I know for sure that Falun Gong practitioners are prohibited from any form of killing. Since my wife started practicing Falun Gong, we do not even keep any rat poison in my home. When she buys seafood, she buys the frozen kind. When there is a fly or mosquito in our house, she always says: "Shooing them away is enough, why should you beat them to death?" The small handful of people that make up lies should not forget that every Falun Gong practitioner has relatives and friends who can bear witness.

A 15-year old Dafa practitioner: "Whoever wants to be my pen pal should not go against Falun Gong. I make lots of friends from a broadcast program. I believe they must have predestined relationships with Dafa. I told one of my friends: "Be sure not to tear Falun Gong flyers!" She said: "I did not tear the flyers. It is interesting that to be your pen pal, we should not go against Falun Gong." I asked: "Can you be as good as your promise?" She answered: " Of course I can."

A schoolteacher wrote in a letter to the directors of Jiang Han Company in Xiangfan City: "I was persecuted by a few people in power because I practice Falun Gong. I was so severely persecuted that once I had to be sent to a hospital for emergency treatment. I was illegally detained, beaten and punished for two-and-a-half years. This only cultivated me into a fearless and altruistic person, and made me willingly blend my life into the Fa. Even if my blood is shed or my life is endangered I will never give up my faith in 'Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance.'"


Break the Blockade, Clarify the Truth, and Save People

Consistently clarify the truth to friends: After a period of silence, my friend wrote back to me, saying "History has proven that many actions that were prohibited (at the time) were often trends by which the future will develop, and (such actions) will receive just appraisal and recognition." Using my personal experience to clarify the truth to family and friends has had special effects. Truth clarification requires consistency. Constantly sending out righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil element behind people is the key to the success of truth clarification.

Make your families diligent also: Several days ago, my husband suddenly blamed me in a loud voice and said he would throw out a fellow practitioner. I calmed down as I eliminated the evil and tried to find the cause. After I discovered a deeply hidden attachment of mine, I talked to him in a cool and kind manner. He immediately said, "Then, study the Fa and do the exercises with me!" On the third day of Fa studying and doing the exercises, he felt the spinning of Falun [law wheel] on his fingertips. Oh, most majestic and respected Teacher, how can I not be moved by the boundless compassion that you bestow upon all beings!


Latest News from China

Today 137 people declared solemnly that the things they said and did that do not conform to Dafa, doing damage to Dafa under the strong coercion of the authorities, are null and void, completely opposing the arrangements and persecution of the vicious perpetrators. From now on, they will closely follow the course of Teacher's Fa-rectification, make greater efforts in clarifying the truth, redouble their efforts to make up for the loss they brought to Dafa and become real Dafa practitioners who live up to the requirements of Dafa.

Some facts about the persecution of Dafa practitioners in Daqing City: over 40 practitioners were illegally detained, tortured, and had their money extorted. A 57-year-old female practitioner named Han Naixiu was arrested twice, and her 80-year-old father was left at home alone. With no one to take care of him, he passed away alone and with great sorrow.

In Linghai City, Jinzhou Region, Liaoning Province, a practitioner named Zhang Baoshi was not even allowed to put on his shoes when he was illegally arrested. Zhang's 83-year-old mother brought his cotton-padded shoes to the local government and asked for her son. The government officials said that whoever arrested Zhang would handle his case. On Jan 1, 2002, the old lady was assaulted by 3 or 4 guards at the Public Security Division of Jincheng Paper Producing Factory. She became bedridden after the assault.


Falun Dafa Overseas

The Japanese Kyodo News reported on Jan. 4, 2002 that a Japanese Falun Gong practitioner protested in Tiananmen Square against the persecution by the Chinese government. Chinese police detained and beat the Japanese practitioner before deporting him. This is the fourth case in which Japanese Falun Gong practitioners were deported for appealing at Tiananmen Square.

Nuremberg Daily, in Germany, reported on December 27, 2001 that the experts could not explain why the Beijing government responds to Falun Gong so hysterically. One thing is for sure, that is, hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have been arrested and detained in prisons or labor camps where they are subjected to various tortures and many of them have been killed. These are true facts that cannot be denied.


Cultivation Stories

On November 14, 2000, the five of us, including an elderly lady in her 70s, went to Beijing to clarify the truth and validate the Fa. We were arrested, but we did not cooperate with the policemen's requests. We strengthened our righteous thoughts and insisted on doing the Dafa exercises. Later we went on a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention. Many policemen were moved by the practitioners' compassion. All the detained practitioners there were released.

In early October of last year, when an electricity man came to read the meters, he noticed that "Falun Dafa is Good" was printed on a meter box. He then changed the character "good" to something else. Seeing this, two little Dafa practitioners tried to erase the character he added, however, they couldn't get rid of it. So they wrote the character "good" on a piece of paper and taped it on the box, covering the character the electricity man had added. After doing this, the two kids stood there sending forth righteous thoughts. The electricity man cursed for a while and left.