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French People Are Getting to Know Falun Gong

January 14, 2002 |   A Practitioner in France

(Clearwisdom.net) With the rapid progress of the Fa-rectification, an increasing number of people have begun to see the truth. Jiang Zemin's regime has employed all kinds of brutality to persecute the Falun Gong practitioners and instituted national terrorism. Their evil actions and true nature are being exposed in front of more and more people in the world. During the two-year brutal suppression, thousands of Falun Gong practitioners persistently practiced their firm belief in Truth, Compassion and Forbearance. Their courage has inspired more and more kind-hearted people in the world.

French Parliament delivers an open letter to the Chinese Embassy on behalf of Falun Gong

With help from several Parliament staff members, several Dafa practitioners had a meeting with the Foreign Affairs advisor to the Parliament Chairman in the Chairman's office. When he heard that the practitioners had trouble delivering letters to the Chinese government, he agreed to do his best to help deliver open letters and Dafa materials to the Chinese Embassy in the name of the French Parliament. He told us that he knew the Embassy personnel would be upset, but he would not shy away. When we reminded him that the Chinese Embassy under Jiang Zemin's instruction refuses to accept any communication from Falun Gong, he said, "This time they have to accept, because it is being delivered by the French Parliament."

French sinologist changes opinion

A French Sinologist had doubts about Falun Gong. After observing Falun Gong and the oppressors for a period of time and through her personal contact with Falun Gong practitioners, she gradually recognized Jiang Zemin's lies. A student of hers is a Western practitioner. Recently, the sinologist invited this student to her class to introduce Falun Gong to the whole class for about two hours. The results were very good.

Jiang Zemin regime's exhibition irritates the French people

Last year between April and May, Jiang Zemin's regime dispatched a group of religious leaders and scientists to Europe. They traveled to many places to slander Falun Gong. However, many people in France's religious community were quite familiar with Falun Gong and refused to participate in their activities. A French religious leader said, "They are not genuine Christians [the so-called "religious leaders" from China]! They are slaves of the Chinese government! They are Judas!"

Diplomat disgusted by Jiang Zemin's persecution

One Western diplomat had read Zhuan Falun and had favorable views on Falun Gong. He has been following the news about the persecution of Falun Gong in China and became fed up by Jiang's conduct. In a recent meeting, several practitioners told him about the Jiang-Luo regime's "6.10" office and its function to illegally persecute Falun Gong. He said with humor, "Next time I see the Chinese ambassador, I will ask him how the '6.10' office at the embassy is doing."

People resist evil exhibition

Recently, the Chinese Embassy could not find a place to display slandering material, and they had to hold an anti-Falun Gong display in its own culture division. This is because more and more people know the truth about Falun Gong. Therefore, they resisted the exhibition. During the opening ceremony, not a single French public figure attended. Only a handful of embassy personnel and a few Chinese businessmen who do business with China showed up. The embarrassed ambassador left abruptly after giving a brief speech. Even the news media employed by the Jiang-Luo regime did not bother with a lengthy report. They barely wrote a short report and exaggerated the number of attendants.

It is just like what Master said in "Fa-Lecture at the Florida Conference in the US," "During the time since July 20, 1999, when they started persecuting us, we've managed to help people all over the world clearly see what Falun Gong is. They all know that we're good. Whether it be the governments of different countries or their people, including those countries that have really good relations with the Chinese government, they all know very well what we're about and what the evil that's persecuting Dafa is about."

January 8, 2002