On January 13, more than 250 practitioners gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate General to strongly protest the state terrorism and brutal killing led by Jiang and Luo Gan. In the last 22 days, 20 Falun Gong practitioners were killed!

More banners in Chinese and English were unfurled:
Jiang Zemin: Stop Killing Chinese Citizens Practicing Falun Gong
China's State Terrorism: 1 day = 1 Killed; 20 days = 20 Killed!
At the top of the hours of 8 a.m., 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. (Sydney time), practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts together with practitioners around the world to eliminate the evils. They continued to send forth righteous thoughts at the top of each hour afterwards. The powerful righteous thoughts forcefully suffocated the evils, and shook and purged the remnants of evil in other dimensions.
Practitioners protested the murders committed by Jiang and his accomplices. In the meantime, practitioners also admonished the accomplices: "The ones who do evil against Dafa go down into the gate of no-life." Jiang cannot even protect himself. When the retribution comes the ones who do evil will not escape from the fate of going down into the gate of no-life.
Eliminating the evils with righteous thoughts, practitioners understand more and more the importance of clarifying the truth to Chinese people who have been poisoned by the deceptive propaganda.
Category: Rallies & Protests