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Swabian Danube [German] Newspaper: Rescue March to City Hall

January 18, 2002 |  

Southwest Press Online, January 9th, 2002

Along their SOS-rescue march for Falun Gong, two members of the group stopped in Ulm/Germany for an interview with the Lord Mayor of Ulm, the Honourable Dr. Goetz Hartung. The two women marchers are Ms. Lu Yang zum Brook and Xiaozhu Chen. They related the brutal suppression of their fellow Falun Gong members in China. The mayor signed an appeal to uphold human rights, saying that, as far as the [Swabian] Landestag [that area's state governmental body] is concerned, Falun Gong seems to be a religious movement with similarities to Buddhism. He added that the Chinese government outlawed Falun Gong in 1999 and its followers have been persecuted, arrested and tortured.

Ms. Lu Yang, however, characterized Falun Gong rather as a "harmonious exercise practice," centered on "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance." She is pleased about the many acts of support that have been shown her and the fellow marchers in this SOS undertaking, stating that the police authorities in the City of Koblenz even assisted the group to find an overnight stay.


Because of inclement weather, this march, which began December 13th in the City of Dortmund and was originally planned to lead all the way to Munich has come to a halt in Ulm.

Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/2577.html