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Summary of Other Articles and News - 01/17/2002

January 20, 2002 |  


People Who are Waiting for the Truth

"Actually, people have been waiting for the Fa." ("Lecture on the Fa at the Washington, D.C. International Conference") My wife and I told my relatives the truth about Falun Dafa. Looking at the dramatic improvements in our health, we all seem like different people now. My sister is happily convinced. The seven members of their family deeply believe in Falun Dafa. My sister is 78 years old. She encourage others, "This Gong is very good. Let's practice it diligently."

Readers from Paris, France wrote to the French Falun Dafa Association. They are all eager to learn the truth. One reader said, "Falun Gong Practitioners, How are you? I heard you are a cult in China. Compared with the information in the truth-clarifying materials you passed out in France, it is a world of difference."

The Ukranian people are waiting for us to clarify the truth. We put up the truth clarification boards at the downtown area of a city, and many people came up to us as soon as the boards went up. We were so busy distributing countless flyers. When an old man saw the pictures exposing the truth about the persecution, he immediately decided to ask his son to practice Falun Gong without even asking what Falun Gong is.

My brother is good-natured and unpretentious, however, he is also self-righteous and sometimes he likes to pull a little smart-aleck trick of his own. After I returned from an experience sharing meeting in Germany, the first thing I did was to call my brother and tell him about our experience at the meeting. It wasn't until two days later that he told me that he was already on Chapter 8 of Zhuan Falun.

Latest News from China


Today, 187 people solemnly declared that all they have previously said and done against Falun Dafa due to the forced "brainwashing" and doesn't conform to Dafa is completely void. Three primary school students said, "The school organized us to sign the petition against Falun Gong. At the time, we signed our names since we did not know the truth about Falun Gong. Later on, we learned that Falun Dafa teaches people how to be good. Falun Dafa is the law of cosmos, and a righteous cultivation way. Here we solemnly declare that all we have said and signed against Dafa is completely void!"

On the afternoon of Dec 5, 2001, the managers from my work unit led some plainclothes policemen to my home and abducted me to a "brainwashing class." I refused to cooperate. I continued to study Dafa and practice the movements, and I clarified the truth to people around me. The "assistants" [people who used to practice Dafa but have gone astray and renounced their practice and help the evil to try to "brainwash" practitioners] were all silenced because they knew that they were "helping a tyrant to do evil." After several days, I suddenly realized that I should not suffer like this any more. I just walked out of the class.

Some facts about the persecution against Dafa practitioners in Daqing City: Over 140 practitioners were illegally detained, tortured, and robbed of their money. Three police guards from Qingdong Police Station kidnapped a 15 year-old high school student. The student was then cuffed to a heating pipe for three hours, not allowed to wear clothes, sleep, or eat. The police guards also threatened to torture the young student.

On October 31, 2001, I was kidnapped and sent to the Yueming Forced Labor Camp in Anshan City, Liaoning Province, where I was severely tortured until I fell unconscious. Through this severe test I was able to let go of my fundamental attachments. Even though I am just an ordinary and harmless housewife, I was illegally detained, persecuted, and in the end forced into homelessness by the police, simply because I refused to give up my belief in Falun Dafa. Now, in addition to having a very difficult life, I have also been declared a fugitive that the police are seeking after.

News from Overseas

To mourn all of the Dafa disciples that have died for appealing to the government for the freedom to practice Falun Dafa, and to continue to seek an end to the persecution of Falun Dafa orchestrated by the Jiang-Luo Regime, Macao Dafa practitioners held candlelight vigils in front of the China liaison authorities for three consecutive nights from January 13-15.