AP: Canadian Detained in [Group] Protest
Today’s Articles — January 24, 2002
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CBC: Canadian Falun Gong follower arrested in China
Last Updated Wed Jan 23 22:39:32 2002
BEIJING - A Canadian woman who is a follower of the Falun Gong spiritual movement was arrested in China on Wednesday.
Connie Chipkar, 61, is expected to be deported within days. Canadian Foreign Affairs officials are looking into the case.
Globe and Mail: Canadian arrested in China
Canadian Press
After Connie Chipkar's youngest son died from leukemia at nine years of age, the mother of four entered a 20-year spiral of depression.
Her life changed four years ago when she discovered the Falun Gong spiritual movement.
AP: [Group] Supporter Detained in China & Canadian Detained in [Group] Protest
AP Photo Plainclothes agents and a uniformed officer lead away a foreign supporter, center, of the Falun Gong spiritual movement who protested Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2002, in Beijing's Tiananmen Square against China's ban on the group. The woman, who wore a sash marked "Falun Gong" and "SOS" was hustled into a waiting police van and driven away. [...] (AP Photo)
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Prosecuting Jiang Zemin
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