(Clearwisdom.net) The week of October 7 to11, 2002 is the State of Delaware's second Falun Dafa Week. A dozen proclamations, support letters and resolutions from all levels of government, including the Governor, State Senate and House of Representatives, county and city councils all expressed their best wishes to Falun Gong practitioners as well as their admiration and support for their unwavering faith facing the brutal persecution by the Jiang Regime.

On the afternoon of October 9 at 2pm, a celebration of Delaware Falun Dafa Week was held at Rodney Square in front of Wilmington City Hall. Several dozen photo exhibition boards attracted many people passing by. People stopped to look at the exhibition, find out about Falun Gong's principles of Truth, Compassion and Tolerance, and understand the extraordinary and magnificent 10 year history of Falun Dafa.
Mr. Gregory, a Wilmington City council member, hosted the celebration ceremony and gave a speech. New Castle County council member Mr. Venezky, Mr. Lavine, and an assistant to State Senator Sokola also attended the ceremony and spoke to the audience.
In his speech, Mr. Gregory briefly introduced Falun Dafa and the brutal persecution by the Jiang regime since July 20, 1999. He pointed out, "We admire the peace, extraordinary courage and inner strength Falun Gong practitioners have exemplified based on the principle of Truth, Compassion and Tolerance. ... Since the 911 attack, Americans have realized how precious freedom and human rights are, not only for Americans but also for the whole world. Now more than ever we know the world needs peace, and human beings need Truth, Compassion and Forbearance." In addition he highly praised Falun Dafa practitioners' contributions to the community in Delaware.
Mr. Venezky read a resolution from New Castle County. He said, "I have to say I feel horrified at the horrendous persecution Falun Gong practitioners are experiencing in China now. ... I hope someday the Truth, Compassion, and Tolerance Falun Gong practitioners are practicing and all these beautiful feelings could spread around the whole world. It is my wish for you; in fact it is also our wish to ourselves."
In the end, Mr Gregory summarized, "This is famous Rodney Square. Here people can enjoy the freedoms of speech, communication heaven bestows on us. Surely you can have the freedom to practice Truth, Compassion and Tolerance. It is appropriate to hold such an activity here."
Then practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises. The five sets of elegant exercises and the inner peace emanating from the deep hearts of practitioners touched everyone at the square, making the chilly, cloudy day feel warm.
When truth comes into people's hearts and all kind people have righteous thoughts, the darkness will dissipate.