Female Practitioner Wang Jiqin Dies after being Force-Fed with an Unknown Drug in the Maojiashan Labor Camp in Chongqing City


Dafa practitioner Wang Jijin was subjected to brutal torture at the Maojiashan Female Labor Camp in Chongqing City. As a result, her health deteriorated rapidly. In the name of treating her illnesses, the camp police ordered 7-8 drug addicts to force feed her with an unknown drug, which caused her to lapse into a coma. Seeing that Wang Jiqin was near death, the labor camp sent her home in order to avoid responsibility. After returning home, Wang Jiqin remained in critical condition, spitting blood and passing blood in her stool. She also had difficulty breathing, coughed, vomited, had diarrhea, felt sharp pain in her abdomen with ascites, was weak in the limbs, and could not sleep. On September 23, 2002, Wang Jiqin died at the age of 29.

A Falun Gong Practitioner's Letter to President Bush

The Honorable President Bush:

My friend Wang Chan, 39, was a graduate student and model employee of the general office of China People's Bank. He was a kindhearted person of high morality who always had a smile on his face. His integrity was well known among his colleagues. Because he wanted to be a good person and enjoy good health, he chose to believe in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." Because he refused to give up his belief, he was arrested in his hometown of Jining City on August 21, 2002 and tortured to death. In order to force him to give up his belief in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance," the government also abducted his mother, who is in her sixties.

Jyllands-Posten (Danish newspaper) Reports on Falun Gong Appeal in Copenhagen during Asia-European Summit Meeting

24 September 2002

The biggest demonstration during the Danish chairmanship so far was represented by a group of Falun Gong [practitioners] yesterday afternoon.

Yesterday afternoon, [..] with quiet Chinese music as background, between 200 and 300 [practitioners] and supporters of the Chinese Falun Gong movement moved slowly through downtown Copenhagen.

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