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Summary of Other Articles and News - 10/04/2002

October 07, 2002 |  


Practitioners Exchange Insights

Some suggestions on making truth clarification materials: the first impression is very important. An exquisite CD cover will stimulate a wonderful first thought. Pay attention to the readability of the Dafa truth materials; we should think about the acceptability of the readers, and prompt their true internal kind thoughts instead of instill empty principles. Use gentle and kind words as much as possible. The vicious propaganda in Mainland China greatly poisoned the minds of many people, who are sensitive and afraid of the persecution. On the covers, we should avoid using sensitive words as much as possible, and make sure the packing has a good-looking cover and has a rich content.

When clarifying the truth in Mainland China, there are two groups of people we shouldn't ignore, one is farmers and the other is students. When making truth clarification materials, we can take into account that although the concept of "compassion" is weakening among the farmers, the concept of good versus evil as well as god still exists in their minds. At the same time, we should describe the situation of how Dafa is widespread overseas and do away with the knot in their hearts with the power of the Fa.

Expose the Persecutions

A Letter from Some Citizens of Jining City, Shandong Province to the Jining City Mayor: Falun Gong practitioner Wang Chan was tortured to death in Jining City Detention Center by Guo Hongtao and other police officers from the Department of Administration and Security of the Downtown Branch of the Public Security Bureau. We hereby urge the mayor to please pay attention to this incident and punish by the law the murderers and those responsible, in order to bring the people of Jining City satisfactory justice.

Zhang Youfen, a resident in Canada, used to suffer from illnesses and could barely take care of herself before practicing Falun Gong. Since she started to practice Falun Gong, all her illnesses have disappeared. In 2000 she went to appeal for Falun Gong at the Office of Appeal run by the Chinese Communist Party Central State Council, but she was sent to a detention center and was fined 2,000 Yuan. Her house was also searched. Her husband was forced to divorce her. After she came to Canada, the Chinese police still threaten her child, saying that: "Your mom would definitely be sent to labor education if she comes back."