[Beijing] Police Arrest Many Elderly Dafa Practitioners
Recently, many practitioners have been arrested in downtown Haidian District and Chaoyang District, as well as in the suburban Fangshan, Huairou and Miyun areas of Beijing. Most of them are elderly. In addition, at least two material-producing centers have been destroyed.
[Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Officers in Street Administration Committee Harass Practitioners' Family Members and Get Information about Practitioners by Deceitful Means
At present, all street administrative committees in Dalian City are harassing Dafa practitioners and their family members by making phone calls with the excuse that National Holiday [October 1st] and the 16th CPC National Congress are coming up soon. In an attempt to start another round of persecution, they have used deceitful methods to get information about practitioners who have been forced to live in exile from their kind family members, such as current residing address and work location .
[Chaoyang County, Liaoning Province] Police at Detention Center Brutally Beat Practitioners
Police at Chaoyang County's Detention Center very brutally mistreat Dafa practitioners. I was taken there while sharing experiences with several fellow practitioners. The policemen were very cruel while arresting us. They grabbed our hair, beat and kicked us at the same time and threw us to the ground. A practitioner was thrown so hard that he was out of breath on the spot. They even hired several roughnecks who used very cruel means to take us to Chaoyang County's Police Department. A vicious guy said, "I just want to kill somebody." They also cursed us using very dirty words.
The police forced us to sign [a guarantee statement]. I said, "It is not wrong for me to practice Falun Gong and be a good person. I will not sign." The roughneck who arrested me beat me up. He grabbed my hair and threw me to the ground. It took me a while to get up. In the detention center, as we insisted on doing the exercises, they beat, cursed and shocked us with electric batons at will. At one time, they tortured some fellow practitioners with electric batons so badly that we could hear the sizzle from the next room and could even smell burning skin. Even then, they felt that they hadn't vented their anger enough. They got a group of 17- or 18-year-old men to mistreat practitioners with an unknown torture instrument. We heard a crackling sound but couldn't figure out what it was. After a long period of time, we heard the young men say, "Thank you, Officer!" They don't treat practitioners as human beings at all. Such cases have happened numerous times in the county's police department.
[Xishui County, Hubei Province] Police from Huhe Town Arrest Dafa Practitioner Xu Xinzhi
At the end of July 2002, Mr. Xu Xinzhi and some practitioners heard that many Dafa-slandering slogans had been painted on the wall of Huhe Town's government building and police station with personnel on guard in order to trap Dafa practitioners. Realizing that so many people coming and going from Huhe Town who didn't know the truth about Falun Gong would be poisoned, Xu Xinzhi and several fellow practitioners felt heart-stricken. They then went to Huhe Town one night to cover the vicious slogans. In the process of doing so, Xu was discovered by a lawless person hiding there. This person called a lot of farmers ignorant of the truth to assemble there waving hoes in their hands. The farmers surrounded a practitioner, but seeing this, Xu Xinzhi went up to clarify the truth to them. The surrounded practitioner took the opportunity to leave, however Xu Xinzhi was beaten severely by police at the No.1 Section of Xishui County's Police Department. His whereabouts remain unknown.
[Wuchang City, Hubei Province] Dafa Practitioner Hao Jiangping is Illegally Sentenced to Two Years of Forced Labor After being Brutally Tortured in Qingling Detention Center
In the middle of May, police destroyed a material-producing center in Wuchang City and Dafa practitioner Mr. Hao Jiangping, from Xishui County, Hubei Province, was arrested. At least five other practitioners were arrested as well. Hao was illegally detained at Wuchang City's Qingling Detention Center. A guard pocketed 300 Yuan [500 Yuan is the average monthly income in urban areas of China] which had been sent to Hao by his family. At the end of June, it was told by an insider in the police department that Hao Jiangping was tortured to his last breath. When his family went to Xishui County's Police Department to meet with him, the lawless policemen replied that they didn't know such a person. Actually they prevented Hao Jiangping's family from seeing him. On September 14, 2002, Hao Jiangping was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor.
[China] From the National Day to "the 16th CPC National Congress," All Broadcasting Stations and TV Stations are at the Highest Alarm State
According to inside sources, from the eve of National Day to "the 16th CPC National Congress," all broadcasting stations and TV stations in China must stay at the highest alarm state. Such order was sent down to all level of broadcasting stations and TV stations. Some employees said, "Homicide and arson are 'trivial?' Every day we are forced to focus on such things (persecuting Falun Gong) that I don't have time to watch power lines.
[Tianshui City, Gansu Province] Lawless Policemen Arrest Dafa Practitioners and Brutally Torture Them
It was reported that on September 27, policemen in Tianshui City, Gansu Province received a secret order -- "Arrest as many Dafa practitioners and sentence them as many as possible." So the police called on a meeting and illegally searched many Dafa practitioners' houses and forcibly arrested many Dafa practitioners.
Policemen from Tianshui City's Beidao Police Department arrested Yang Jingchun, a Dafa practitioner who works in Gansu Province's Wool Factory. Dafa Practitioner Li has been detained for many days and he is in critical danger due to the excruciating tortures. No one knows the whereabouts of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Yang.
[Tianshui City, Gansu Province] Dafa Practitioners Hei Huiyu, His Wife, Mr.Gao and His Wife are Arrested
On September 22, policemen of the Political and Security Section of Tianshui City's Beidao Police Department went to the Decoration Branch of Tianshui City's Xinghuo Machinery Tool Limited Co. and forcibly arrested Dafa practitioner Mr. Hei Huiyu. His wife Han Meiying was forcibly sent to Gansu Province's No.2 Forced Labor Camp in February 2001 and still hasn't been released. Their little school-age girl is left home without care.
Dafa practitioners Mr. Gao and his wife (their full names are unknown) who work in Gansu Province's Wool Factory were forcibly taken to Tianshui City's Beidao Detention Center half a month ago.
[Rushan City, Shandong Province] Rushan City's "610 Office" Trains Spies to Arrest Dafa Practitioners
Rushan City's "610 Office" [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems] trained a group of spies to deceive practitioners in various ways. Some spies provided practitioners with Dafa truth-clarifying materials and CDs to get their trust. Later on, the "610 Office" used these actions to arrest practitioners and take them to brainwashing classes. It is also known that in the past two months, four hundred practitioners from villages around the city were arrested, including people that are 80 years old.
[Weifang City, Shandong Province] Dafa Practitioner Zhang Xiuqin Detained at Anqiu City's Detention Center
On September 26, 2002, policemen from Anqiu City illegally arrested practitioner Ms. Zhang Xiuqin from Weifang City, Shandong Province. She is now detained at Anqiu City's Detention Center.
[Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province] Arrest of Dafa Practitioners Han Ying, Liu Yuying, Du Guijie, Jiang Yunjing, Shi Shengyun, and Bai Huixia
On September 2, 2002, practitioners Ms. Han Ying and Ms. Liu Yuying from Hegang City were arrested at Xingshan. On the same day, practitioners Ms. Du Guijie, Ms. Jiang Yunjing, Ms. Shi Shengyun and Ms. Bai Huixia were arrested at the same apartment.
September 29, 2002