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Forced Labor Camp Policeman: "You Are All Good People and Shouldn't Be Here"

November 16, 2002 |   By a Dafa particle


From July to December of 2001, Dafa practitioners detained at a forced labor camp persistently studied the Fa and took the Fa as Teacher. Through hunger strikes, tirelessly clarifying the truth and purging evil factors in other dimensions with righteous thoughts, they were able to effectively restrain the behavior of the labor camp guards and even awakened some of them to the truth.

Once after a Dafa practitioner finished talking to the labor camp guards, one of them said, "You are all good people and shouldn't be here." There was another time on the way to the hospital, when a policeman said, "Truly, I wish that they would find some sickness with all of you. I don't mean that I want you to be really sick, just so that you could return home with this excuse."
