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Summary of Other Articles and News - 12/10/2002

December 13, 2002 |  


The True Situation About Article 23

Falun Dafa Practitioners in China Send Open Letter to Hong Kong Residents:

The Hong Kong Article 23 Legislation is a weapon used by Jiang to suppress people. We hope that all just, kindhearted people will think this over.

The Apple Daily has posted an article written by the President of the Hong Kong University Law School. The article said that the definition of political crimes must be clear and precise in order to prevent damaging the basic human rights and freedom that have made the success of Hong Kong possible. However, the suggested "subversion" crime is vaguely defined by Hong Kong's government and will apply to all Hong Kong residents that live inside or outside Hong Kong, as well as all people related to Hong Kong. The article calls for the Hong Kong government to conduct a real consultation [not a superficial one] in order to let people know the specifics about the legislation.

Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

My Cultivation Story:

One evening in May of 2001, the local "610 Office" [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems] abducted me from my home. I shouted, "Falun Dafa is Good" to people as they took me off to the police station, and sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil in other realms that manipulated them. The following day, I used my wisdom and power to open the handcuffs and walked out of the police station.

I was arrested in July 2001 in a rented room together with three fellow practitioners. I did not cooperate with the evil, refused to tell my name and address, and went on a hunger strike to protest. Several days later I escaped under the arrangement of our Teacher. Before the Spring Festival of the year 2002, I was arrested again in my home. I once again escaped while under close surveillance. Every trial was very dangerous and under great pressure. I firmly believe that as long as I do according to what Master has taught us, everything will be fine.

Practitioners Exchange Insights

A few words regarding pain during sitting meditation:

I saw a fellow practitioner's article a few days ago about treating the pain during sitting meditation as an upgrading of xinxing. When I did the sitting meditation again, I tried to stay calm and take the pain as if it were nothing. This was really effective. Although the pain was still there, my heart was not moved. However, I seemed to still have the attachment to how long I had been sitting and could not help looking at my watch. I saw that there was 5 minutes left. I put down my mind intent at that instance, and the pain disappeared. I suddenly enlightened that I must get rid of the attachment to time. The same can be applied to Fa-rectification. I often think about when the Fa will be rectified. Actually only when I get rid of this attachment to time will I be able to achieve the state of gaining without intention.

News from China

I was abducted by police on October 6, 2000, detained for 2 months, and then illegally sentenced for 1 year to the Hainan Provincial Male Labor Camp. Falun Dafa practitioners there are closely watched, 24 hours daily. Whoever refuse to lower their head in front of the evil will receive physical tortures such as beatings, sleep deprivation, being locked in a special small cell, hard labor, and prolonged terms. Whoever goes on a hunger strike will be force fed urine. The evil police broadcast reports slandering Falun Dafa everyday. There are several "reformed" practitioners and prisoners that harass Dafa practitioners daily.

News and Activities around the World

Japan Sankei Shimbun reported that Yoko Kaneko was jailed for passing out Falun Gong truth clarifying materials in Beijing in May 2002. Yoko's husband Atsushi Kaneko visited the local county council Chair together with the "Yoko Kaneko Rescue Team" on December 2, 2002. He asked for the local government's help in their rescue effort, and submitted an appeal letter.