(Clearwisdom.net) On February 8, 2002, the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics was held in Rice Stadium of Salt Lake City. In the -10o F weather, nearly 400 Falun Dafa practitioners from around the world stood in the wind and snow for nearly eleven hours starting from 1:00 p.m. They departed only after athletes and delegates left at midnight. Their sincerity was moving. After 10:00 p.m., all along the exiting route of the delegates was the touching scene of flickering candlelight, banners and serene practitioners standing in the wind and snow. This won the admiration of the athletes.

- "Hold it a little higher, some vehicles' windows are high."
- "Good luck!"
- "That group knows how to do it right."
We come to the Winter Olympics not to oppose something, not to tell everyone about the various tribulations that our great Teacher and our fellow practitioners suffered to save sentient beings, but to have more people know the truth of Falun Dafa and establish the basis for their future. During the appeal, the practitioners met delegates and news media directly and several billion people from all over the world indirectly. The practitioners held banners beside the road that vehicles of the delegates passed through and formed the words of "Falun Dafa" on the ground with the snow. To keep the lines intact, many practitioners did not eat for over ten hours. Those practitioners holding banners beside the roads did not rotate for several hours. When buses passed, a lady holding a banner said to a fellow practitioner, "Hold it a little higher, some vehicles' windows are high."
The practitioners passed out many flyers in the recent days to the delegates, informing them about Falun Dafa. They further moved them with their 10-hour plus vigil. As they saw the banners and candlelight along the road, snow falling from the sky and the practitioners smiling and waving at them, many delegates from different countries and of different races held various hand gestures wishing good luck and to show their respect. Many shouted, "Good luck!" or "We support you!" Drivers honked their horns lightly to show their support. The practitioners ended the appeal after the delegates left after midnight.
Shortly after the end of the afternoon's appeal, several police vehicles were present beside the practitioners' lines. It looked as if the police were quite anxious. Some policemen even asked the practitioners if they had gasoline or rope. The practitioners knew that the police were fooled by the evil's propaganda. They did not complain or feel wronged, but clarified the truth patiently. The police understood the truth bit by bit and began to trust the practitioners. Later, a practitioner heard a policeman saying to his colleague, "That group knows how to do it right." Whatever lies the evil fabricated, they were again shattered easily by the pure righteousness of Dafa practitioners.