(Clearwisdom.net) On February 16-17, the annual African-American and Puerto Rican Party was held in Albany, the capital of New York State. This party was initiated by New York State minority representatives and was very lively. Many officials from New York State attended.

The assistant of one Dafa practitioner's state representative suggested that we attend the party and reserve an exhibition booth. Even though the deadline for the application had passed and the party was only one week away, we made a concerted effort and joined it smoothly.
People joined the party from everywhere. Every now and then, state representatives passed through the hall and experienced this annual lively event.
The Dafa booth was especially eye-catching. Two banners reading, "Falun Dafa is Good" and "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance" in both Chinese and English were hung on the wall and were visible from far away. Regardless of race and language, Dafa practitioners are one. Everything was so beautiful and harmonious, as Dafa crosses all kinds of boundaries. After waiting millions of years we have been fortunate to be assimilated to the universal principle of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance." Even though it was very noisy, practitioners did well in the exercise demonstration. Many visitors stopped and watched, surprised by the practitioners' beauty, harmony and serenity. Many truth-clarifying flyers were handed out. One western practitioner visited every booth and introduced Falun Dafa and the persecution in China. Some practitioners participated in other activities and took the opportunity to clarify the truth.
An adult with a child stopped by our booth and took a flyer. The adult pointed to the words "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance" and told the child, "Remember 'Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance', the characteristic of the universe."
Many people attended the dinner party on February 17. We all wore Dafa badges and made friends. At the dinner party, a girl asked for a Dafa badge and put it on immediately. Another practitioner then asked a lady sitting opposite him if she would like his badge. Without any hesitation, the lady nodded and put the SOS badge on right away.
Through this activity, we realized that participating in social activities and "doing in Rome as Romans do" is another important way of spreading the Fa and clarifying the truth.