Five New Jersey practitioners attended YMCA's annual conference of Essex County and West Hudson County by invitation on January 21, 2002. About 100 members listened to practitioners' speech "Body, mind and spirit -- introducing Falun Gong from a medical point of view" and watched a Falun Gong video.
Practitioner first introduced recent developments in the medical field and the difficulties it is facing. They then elaborated on the miraculous effects of Falun Gong in solving these difficulties and sincerely recommended Falun Gong to the members.
The audience showed strong interest in the speech and video. After the speech many came to ask for Falun Gong information and expressed that they were going to learn the exercise and help promote Falun Gong. Director of the YMCA Ms. Dylak encouraged the members to join the Falun Gong class YMCA sponsored every week.