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Dafa's Might Shakes Wanjia Forced Labor Camp

February 08, 2002 |  


After receiving Teacher's new article "Dafa Disciples' Righteous Thoughts are Powerful" at the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp, we set up an environment to study the Fa and do the exercises openly. Because of this, practitioners' xinxing increased significantly, and everyone resumed their normal cultivation. This madly infuriated the supervisor, who beat and verbally abused practitioners all day. Practitioners were hung and beaten everyday, and some hung to the point of falling unconsciousness. The evil policemen sealed the mouths of practitioners with tape to conceal their malicious acts. Some Dafa practitioners were hung and beaten for 2 or 3 days straight without the knowledge of others, because the groups were forbidden to see each other, many occurrences went unnoticed. This was May 23rd and 24th of 2001, and all the detained practitioners were similarly persecuted.

May 26th was family visitation day, and the brigade forbade visitors because they feared the practitioners spreading news of their torture. We boldly protested and demanded to see the brigade supervisor. We said that if we couldn't see our family members, we'd start to practice Falun Dafa normally like other detained practitioners. At that time everyone else resumed normal cultivation while in confinement, except our group. The brigade finally allowed our group to see family members. On the 26th we received Minghui's news of "sending forth righteous thoughts" from our family members. We rejoiced after learning that keeping one's hand vertical in front of the chest for five minutes can eliminate all evil. This was obviously an opportunity presented by Master, but we still didn't fully grasp the procedures of sending forth righteous thoughts. During exercise time at 10 a.m. on the 27th, we saw that many Dafa practitioners upstairs were tied up in chains. We wanted others to notice, so we yelled, "They're beating Dafa practitioners!" This terrified the officials, who immediately closed the door upstairs to prevent anyone from entering. Finally around noontime we were allowed to enter, and at that time nothing could be heard from upstairs.

After lunch we again heard some detained practitioners studying the Fa and practicing the exercises. The brigade found some male policemen to beat the practitioners. We heard depressing cries and no longer could just sit there and do nothing; we wanted to go and help. Our overseer refused and sat on a chair to block the doorway. The wailing grew more and more disheartening. We are also Dafa disciples and must act as a whole, so their persecution of practitioners cannot be condoned. As we were hesitating on what to do, a practitioner remembered "sending forth righteous thoughts." We must help the practitioners, but there was nothing else we could do, so all of us raised our hands in front of our chest to suffocate the evil and eliminate the evil. Within three minutes, the overseer cried, "I'm in trouble... My heart is failing, hurry." We opened the door to fetch the supervisor, and he immediately called a doctor. All the hanging practitioners were let down - this was our first success at sending forth righteous. Afterwards, the overseer said, "As soon as they raised their hands to pray, I gave out. My heart was wrenching, but I don't have heart disease, it's strange."

Our righteous thoughts shocked all evil. Let our righteous thoughts shine rays of pure righteousness.