Practitioners unfurled a banner they made overnight that read, "Do not shoot at Falun Gong practitioners" and distributed an open letter to the Prime Minister and Minister of the Department of Foreign Affairs to people passing by. Several hundred copies of the open letter were distributed very quickly. Practitioners then told people what was happening in China and the truth about Falun Gong.
A gentleman in his fifties said to a practitioner holding the banner, "I firmly stand by you." After he read the new words on the banner and the open letter, he was stunned for a moment and then walked back the practitioner and added, "I firmly stand by you! Shoot Falun Gong practitioners? They must be insane!"
A disabled woman said to a practitioner, "I have tried Falun Gong at one of your exercise sites. It is a wonderful exercise. How could the Chinese government ban such a wonderful exercise? I sincerely wish you good luck."
A group of high school students were playing nearby. Upon seeing our banner they stopped and one said, "Do you have a signature sheet, I would like to sign the appeal letter." A young boy said, "Governments should not kill good people. The Chinese government is terrible."
Category: Rallies & Protests