March 23, 2002
In the evening of March 21, 2002, Rochester Falun Gong practitioners were invited to a presentation named "Truth, compassion, Tolerance: Falun Gong's response to persecution and violence" in the student center of Nazareth College. This event was sponsored by Nazareth's Multicultural Studies Program Committee and cosponsored by Amnesty International Nazareth College Chapter, Religious Studies Department and Campus Ministry.
Open to the whole campus, this presentation was participated by close to 100 students and faculty members including Dr. Nowark, Dr. Schaller, and Dr. Kisiara, all members of the Multicultural Committee. "The peaceful journey of Falun Dafa" video was shown before the presentation. Using slide presentation, A practitioner introduced the story of Falun Gong's introduction, the persecution in China for the past two and half years, especially the persecution towards female practitioners, and the worldwide peaceful appeal by Falun Gong practitioners as well as the support received from the local Rochester area government officials, NGOs and the individuals. The two-hour presentation was ended with questions and answers, followed by a light reception for the practitioners to meet with audience directly.
The students and the faculty members felt that it was a very successful presentation, well organized and informative. Many of them were shocked by the brutality of the persecution by China's Jiang Zemin regime against Falun Gong practitioners. The members from the Amnesty International Nazareth College Chapter said that they will launch a campus letter drive in support of the Falun Gong practitioners persecuted in China and protest against the "Kill without Pardon" order issued by Jiang Zemin, a retaliatory action because of the Pro-Falun Gong films were shown in Changchun Cable TV. Dr. Kisiara highly appraised the non-violent resistance demonstrated by Falun Gong practitioners. He said that the non-violent nature itself has taken away of the moral ground of the persecution instituted by the Chinese government. He thanked the Falun Gong practitioners for coming back to the campus for the second time to conduct this meaningful presentation. A similar presentation was given last year.
Associated with this event, a two-week photo exhibit, "Truth, Compassion, and Tolerance - The Journey of Falun Dafa", is held at the college library started March 18. It consists of over 30 photos documenting Falun Dafa's introduction, development, the persecution in china, as well as worldwide appeal and support

Photo exhibition in the college library
Category: April 25 Events