(Clearwisdom.net) The fate of Falun Gong is vastly different on either side of the strait. Although the authorities in Mainland China brutally persecute the development of Falun Gong, and are even ordered to kill practitioners without pardon, in Taiwan, under the efforts of dedicated individuals, Falun Gong's development is soaring. Recently a lot of billboards with pictures and texts proclaiming, "Falun Dafa is Good" appeared along Taijiu Highway. It cannot be compared to the situation in Mainland China.

Falun Gong, a Buddha School cultivation practice founded by Mainlander (Mr.) Li Hongzhi, quickly gained one hundred million practitioners since its introduction in May 1992. The practitioners ranged from farmers, workers, merchants, military officials, instructors and students, and even included a good number of government officials, engineers, doctors, nurses, scholars, specialists as well as famous artists.
Falun Gong, regards "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance" as its fundamental principles, emphasizing the cultivation of one's Xinxing [heart nature, moral character.] Practitioners benefit greatly from Falun Dafa, because it has the ability to correct all that is defective. The movements are concise, as a great way is extremely simple and easy. In principle it is different from traditional cultivation methods and methods that cultivate Dan. Practitioners are encouraged to share experiences, focusing on improving their Xinxing to achieve compassion that is free from hatred or discontent, and enables one to live in harmony with others.
Falun Gong emphasizes cultivation rather than curing illnesses for people, but the healing effects experienced by genuine practitioners have been noteworthy, bringing many people to begin practicing for the healing benefits. When the founder, Li Hongzhi, started teaching Falun Gong in China from 1992 to 1994, it received a warm welcome in Beijing, where the number of practitioners increased dramatically. Due to its popularity and increasing number of practitioners, the Mainland government started persecuting Falun Gong. Because Falun Gong has its own requirements, which follow higher principles, the persecution has not been successful. Practitioners are law-biding citizens who understand that Falun Dafa can never be changed to suit an individual's or an entity's self interest.
Falun Gong cultivates one's Xinxing and is not concerned with politics. In fact, the Teacher strongly forbids any political activities. Since its introduction, Falun Gong has been well accepted in many countries. There are people of different cultures from over 50 nations practicing Falun Gong. Practitioners in some countries and districts have even registered their group as a Falun Gong Association.
On August 3, 1994, the city of Houston, Texas, named Mr. Li Hongzhi as an Honorary Citizen and Goodwill Ambassador and designated October 12, 1996 as "Houston Li Hongzhi Day." We can see how popular Falun Gong is in that city.
Each year Falun Gong hosts several experience sharing conferences in different countries around the world, including once, a group practice held in the Crowne Plaza at the United Nations. After Falun Gong started in Taiwan it became popular in various areas all over the island. The authorities in Mainland China still view Falun Gong as an enemy, and recently issued orders to kill Falun Gong practitioners without pardon. Falun Gong is still freely practiced in Taiwan and other countries. Practitioners have not participated in any political movements, nor are they restricted by government agencies.
Many billboards recently appeared along Taijiu Highway. Although the appeal is simple it can attract a lot of attention. We learned that Falun Gong has various practice sites where practitioners do the exercises. Compared to Mainland China, the development of Falun Dafa in Taiwan has been more successful.
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