On March 25, Transnational Radical Party, an NGO, sponsored a 2-hour panel discussion regarding "Violence against Women in China" at the 58th Session of the Commission on Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland. Marina Sikora of the Transnational Radical Party chaired the event, which featured four female Falun Gong practitioners who have all experienced the persecution first-hand. About 50 NGO's and government delegates attended the forum.
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To Cooperate with the "Great Cleansing," Police Spread Lies and Rumors
The evil forces in Changchun are still inciting the police authorities to search for Falun Gong practitioners at every work unit. Furthermore, in order to fuel people's hatred and continue to delude and control the people, every work unit has received orders to publicize defamatory, fear-inducing rumors, such as "Falun Gong practitioners are going to put poison in people's food" and "They are planning to ...

March 29, 2002
Falun Gong practitioners protest Chinese government's massacre of practitioners in Changchun
A follower of Falun Gong from Quebec City, Nicole Milot, began a hunger strike yesterday that she will continue until tomorrow in front of the parliament "to heighten government and public awareness of the massacre, by the Chinese government, of Falun Gong practitioners in Changchun."

March 30, 2002
(Clearwisdom.net) Ten practitioners, including Western practitioner Nicole and practitioners from Montreal, participated in the first day of the hunger strike appeal. Three media outlets including the Sun newspaper from Quebec came to do interviews. The hunger strike appeal started in the morning of March 29, 2002 and will end on Saturday.
Master Li quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999. (Published January 19, 2000)

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Master Li quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999. (Published January 19, 2000)

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