March 30, 2002
( In the wind and cold, Dafa practitioners' hunger strike in Washington DC enters the second day. More practitioners participated the hunger strike, 5 from Pittsburgh, 4 from DC and one from Chicago. Several dozens of DC practitioners came to support. More practitioners from other states will arrive tomorrow. In the afternoon, reporters from PBS came to interview.

Yang Sen, a practitioner from Chicago participating in the hunger strike, said, "Having heard that 5,000 practitioners had been arrested in Changchun and dozens of them were tortured to death, I come here to hold a hunger strike appeal in Washington DC, the capital of United States. As the persecution is going on continuously, I hope to raise public awareness of the urgency of the situation and protest the Jiang regime's brutal persecution against Falun Gong practitioners. We urge all kind governments and people in the world to pay more attention to the matter and condemn the atrocities being committed."
A practitioner from DC named Li, who is in her 60s, said, "Yesterday I experienced hunger and cold. However, our suffering is not even worth mentioning when compared to the Changchun practitioners."
A practitioner named Xu from Pittsburgh said, "I was very worried upon hearing the news from Changchun. We want more people to know about the persecution and call on more kind-hearted people to help us. It is nice today. There are many tourists in the cherry blossom season. I felt that as a Dafa practitioner, this is what I should do and put forth all of my efforts to help the Mainland practitioners."
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Category: Rallies & Protests