(Clearwisdom.net) The municipal hall in the Taipei city government building is spacious and bright, a good site for governmental or nongovernmental activities and exhibitions. On February 25, 2002, a photo exhibition with historical significance was held in the hall. It was "Journey of Falun Dafa."
1. Over 100 Precious Photos Are Exhibited
The exhibition was from February 25 to March 2, 2002. The over 100 precious photos showed the journey of Falun Dafa during the past 9 years, including (1). Falun Gong is widely and warmly welcomed by over 50 countries and nearly one hundred million people from China to Taiwan, from east to west, regardless of race, social status, and age. (2) The brutal persecution since 1999 and the peaceful appeal, including photos of Falun Gong practitioners in China who were tortured but peacefully appealed with the risk of losing their lives , and photos of all levels governments and people expressing their attention to this matter, and the SOS global rescue walk. (3) Falun Gong has received over 700 awards and proclamations.
2. Taipei Mayor Ma Yingjiu and Representatives Attend Press Conference at the Opening Ceremony and Deliver Speeches

On the morning of February 25, 2002, a press conference was held. Mr. Ma Yingjiu, mayor of Taipei City, Mr. Lin Chengxiu, director of the Civil Affairs Bureau in charge of religion and folk custom, and Ms. Li Yihua, councilor of Taipei City were invited to attend. The press conference started with Mr. Chang Qingxi's speech explaining the purpose of the exhibition. Mr. Chang is the director of Taiwan Falun Gong Association and professor in the Department of Economics at Taiwan University. He said, "Falun Gong is illegally and brutally persecuted only in China and defamed by media fabrication all over the country. Through this photo exhibition we wish to clarify the truth of Falun Gong and have people understand the journey of Falun Dafa from 1992 to the present. At the same time, two music performances will be held to share the serenity and goodness of Falun Dafa with everybody."
Next Ms. Lin Yihua made a speech. She said that she was too busy to learn Falun Gong, but she was very positive about the contribution of the principle "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" to human moral values. She expressed her regret that such a good practice is persecuted in totalitarian China. She promised that she would offer any help that Falun Gong would need and that she would recommend her friends visit the exhibition to have more people know the truth of Falun Gong.
Mr. Ao Manguan, a doctor and director of the Orthopedics Department in Taipei Chenxing Hospital made the second speech. From his own clinical experience, Mr. Ao validated the health miracles of people assimilating to the principles of the universe "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance". He said, "The persecution of Falun Gong is not a China issue, but a global issue. All people should pay attention to it. Falun Gong practitioners must clarify the truth to people. I hope predestined people can benefit from the exhibition and have a turning point in their lives."
Mr. Ma Yingjiu, mayor of Taipei City arrived at the end of the doctor Ado's speech due to his busy schedule. Mayor Ma said, "I saw Falun Gong practitioners practicing every morning in a park near my home. When I went abroad, I often saw Falun Gong practitioners abroad and banners reading 'Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance'. Taipei City government is willing to providing venues for Falun Gong to have activities as our country has freedom of religion." Facing so many problems in Taiwan's society, mayor Ma believed that a complete solution must be from self-cultivation.
Professor Wu Huilin, a Falun Gong practitioner, and professor at the China Economic Institute also made a speech and pointed out the importance of emphasizing moral value in global free trade.
Director Lin Chengxiu of the Civil Affairs Bureau expressed his support to Falun Gong and wished that the peace and compassion of Falun Gong would penetrate each government throughout the whole world.
The press conference concluded with Falun Gong practitioner and Attorney Chu Wanqi's speech. Attorney Chu explained the photo exhibition and said, "Kind-hearted people around the world witness that Falun Gong practitioners do not retaliate with violence when facing mistreatment, but with a great compassion and forbearance peacefully speaking, 'Falun Dafa is good!'"
3. More than Ten Tourists from China Accidentally Visit the Photo Exhibition and Are Shocked At Seeing the Truth of Falun Gong

After the press conference, Taipei residents coming to the city hall and the staff of the city government had a chance to see the photos. A large screen TV showed truth-clarifying video programs. Residents enquired about the practice and the persecution and requested related Dafa literature. It was of special note that more than 10 tourists from China visited the city government building and showed surprise on their faces when seeing the Falun Dafa photo exhibition in the central hall. Though we are all Chinese, the Taiwan government supports the spread of Falun Gong in Taiwan. Each photo shows either the worldwide welcome of Falun Dafa or the persecution in China. They must have had all kinds of feelings well up in their hearts after seeing the photos. Most of them looked at the photos carefully.
Category: News & Events