Doing exercises by the biggest fountain in Jakarta outside Bundaran Hotel
The governor of Jakarta sent a representative to the conference. In his congratulatory letter to the conference, he said that Indonesia respects human rights, supports freedom of belief and encourages people of different beliefs to coexist peacefully. Falun Dafa advocates Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. It has elevated practitioners' moral standards, improved their health and makes people stay away from bad habits such as drinking, drug and violence. The governor wished the conference a big success.
Indonesian government for the first time issued a permit to practitioners to hold a large-scale parade in its capital city. It was the very first time so many Chinese people walked on the busy streets of Jakarta in such a peaceful and orderly procession. The police expressed their sincere thanks to Falun Dafa practitioners after the event. The Indonesian Police placed a last-minute ban on an already-approved parade from the National Monument (Monas) to the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle due to the pressure from Chinese government. About 30 minutes after the parade officially started, it was stopped. However practitioners had walked for nearly 2 hours before the ban and achieved most of the effect.
Police sources said that the National Police revoked the permit following pressure from the Chinese Embassy in Jakarta.
The fact that the Indonesian government had issued the parade permit demonstrated the legality of the parade. However, the Chinese government exerted pressure on the Indonesian government and forced it to cancel the parade. It fully disclosed the Jiang regime's perverse nature. Indonesian government officials explained to practitioners that the cancellation ordered by the Indonesian President was due to the pressure from the Chinese government.
The preparation and success of the conference demonstrated that Indonesian practitioners have progressed well after overcoming tribulations. The large-scale parade also offered a good opportunity for the Indonesian people to know Falun Dafa. Several media agencies gave positive reports of the conference.
Many of the practitioners who participated in the conference are demonstrating outside the Chinese embassy.