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Kindhearted People Hear the Truth About Dafa

April 1, 2002


A convict at the Wanjia Hospital: "The evil Jiang's regime has suppressed, slandered, and persecuted Falun Dafa practitioners. I can not stay here to assist them in restraining practitioners any more."

On January 29, 2002, two convicts were moved to Wanjia Hospital to watch the practitioners during the night. The practitioners clarified the truth about Dafa to them, in particular one story about five practitioners who firmly validated Dafa and almost lost their lives. After that one convict changed her attitude and said indignantly, "I'm not going to work here. The things done by Falun Dafa practitioners are all correct and the persecution from Jiang's regime is unjust. I can no longer stay here and assist them in restraining you any more. I respect all the practitioners." Therefore she asked her supervisors to change her job and then was released.

A manager from Changchun City: "We should respect practitioners' rights."

Last night, I telephoned to a company in the city of Changchun. After the company's employee heard that I was calling from overseas, the manager voluntarily talked to me about the Falun Gong issues in his company. He told me, "We couldn't discriminate practitioners because they chose to practice Falun Gong, and we should respect their rights." Also, he said that he would not lay off any Falun Gong practitioners. "We all went through the Cultural Revolution, so our experiences from history will not let us believe these kinds of slandering things anymore."

Dr. Wang said: "The videotapes about the truth of Falun Gong are wonderful."

Dr. Wang is a very kind person in his daily life, but he did have a negative opinion about Dafa. He could not understand why practitioners went to Tiananmen or distributed truth-clarifying materials. Accidentally, he received videotapes about Falun Gong and watched them at home. A couple of days later, Dr. Wang told me that he already saw three video tapes of Falun Gong, and that they all were wonderful and magnificent. He also suggested that next time, when I go clarifying the truth, I must pay attention to my safety.

A senior schoolteacher's experience in clarifying the truth

I have been a teacher for the last forty years in a key elementary school, and have won best-teaching awards more than ten times. I became a Falun Dafa practitioner in 1997. One day, some of my past students came to visit me from out of town. They were amazed by my youthful appearance. I used this opportunity to clarify the truth about Dafa with them while sending forth righteous thoughts. They all understood what is occurring to Falun Dafa practitioners, and said, "Today's visit was not a coincidence and it was worth the trip." Before leaving, they all took additional Dafa materials and videotapes for their friends and relatives.