Radio Free Asia: Human Rights Organization Files a Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin During His Visit in Germany
Today’s Articles — April 10, 2002
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Suedwest: CHINA'S Anti-Terror Campaign Protests During State Visit
(Deutsche Press Agentur/German Press Agency, Southwest Press)
(Original text in German)
Jiang Zemin not being happily welcomed everywhere in Germany.
Non-Governmental organizations want to address human rights abuses.
CNN: Protests Mark Jiang's German Visit [Excerpt]
BERLIN, China -- Chinese President Jiang Zemin held talks with German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder as demonstrators criticizing Beijing's human rights record were kept behind police lines.
Jiang, in Germany until April 13, hopes to use the five-day visit to strengthen relations with Germany -- China's biggest trading partner in Europe -- with deals for educational and cultural cooperation.
Newsticker April 9, 2002: Critique during Zemin Visit
Several human rights organizations took the opportunity to sharply criticize the German government's China policies during Jiang Zemin's visit here. "Instead of relying solely on dialogue, we urge Chancellor Schroeder (SPD) to openly voice criticism about the situation in China," demanded Mr. Dirk Pleiter, China-expert at Amnesty International. Berlin's inner city was the scene of a demonstration by several hundred Falun Gong activists who pleaded for the group's free association in China where the movement is banned.
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