John J. Delaney, Jr., Mayor
Whereas, On Sunday, April 7, 2002, a ceremony will be held at the joint Free Public Library of Morristown and Morris township Marking the first Falun Dafa Week in Morris County which will be celebrated from April 7 to April /3. 2002; and
Whereas, Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) practitioners have demonstrated impressive dedication in educating citizens about the smooth and tranquil exercises that can improve them physically and improve their health, purify their minds and deepen their understanding of life and humanity; and
Whereas, Falun Dafa includes five sets exercises that work on the energy circulation of the body as well as providing mental and physical benefits; and
Whereas, Falun Dafa has helped numerous young people and adults turn away from alcohol drugs violence, and other had habits to pursue a more meaningful life.
Now therefore, I, John J. Delaney Jr., Mayor of the Town of Morristown do hereby
Proclaim the week April 7-13. 2002
Falun Dafa Week
in the Town of Morristown and I encourage our residents to participate in activities planned for that time to further Falun Dafa
John J. Delaney Jr.
Mayor of the Town of Morristown

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