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People Awaken upon Learning the Truth

April 26, 2002 |  


1. "Even Jiang Can't Control The Issue"

The chief of a township called a meeting of all the village heads. After the meeting, the chief told one of them, "You should put a lot of effort into managing Falun Gong practitioners."

The village head replied, "Even Jiang can't control the issue, how could I? Why don't you do it?"

2. "You Falun Gong Practitioners Are Good People"

An officer at a Public Security Bureau [police station] talked to a Falun Gong practitioner after he had watched the CCTV broadcast of the "Tiananmen self-immolation event." He said, "We insiders know instantly that this event is fabricated. It's totally illogical. You Falun Gong practitioners are good people, but who dares to say it!"

3. "I Will Never Believe What They Say"

To avoid being arrested by the Changchun police, I had to leave my home and stay with a friend. My friend told me, "I have really missed you. Recently the TV programs have been attacking Falun Gong again, I will never believe what they say. I told your story to others. I told them that I know a person who used to be a poor worker, very difficult to manage and often causing problems at work, but who became an extremely good person once he began to practice Falun Gong. Yet now those good people are being arrested. I frequently tell people that Falun Gong practitioners are very good!"