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Latest News from China - 04/01/2002

April 06, 2002 |  


  1. [Beijing] Dafa Truth-Clarifying Banner Appears in Chang'an Street
  2. [Baishan City, Jilin Province] Multiple Cases of Kidnapping of Falun Gong Practitioners
  3. [Yushu City, Jilin Province] Large-Scale Mid-March Raid Results in Arrest of Over 60 Practitioners
  4. [Zibo City, Shandong Province] Illegal Arrest of Five Dafa Practitioners on the Chinese Ruling Dictator's Order to "Kill without Pardon"
  5. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Illegal Arrest of a Deaf-mute Dafa Practitioner
  6. [Hailun City, Heilongjiang Province] Persecution Against Dafa Practitioners During March 2002
  7. [Linjiang City, Jilin Province] Arrest of More Than 50 Falun Gong Practitioners During the "Two Conferences"
  8. [Southern China] A Large Number of Dafa Banners Appear in the Downtown Area and Around the Forced Labor Camp of a Certain City
  9. [Anguo City, Hebei Province] Destruction of a Truth-Clarifying Materials Center
  10. [Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province] Dafa Practitioner Ms. Xiang Juan is Illegally Sentenced to Three Years of Forced Labor
  11. [Jingmen City, Hubei Province] Illegal Detention of a 73-year-old Government Official
  12. [Northeast China] A Colonel's Mother Goes to Beijing to Appeal
  13. [Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province] Kidnapping of Three Falun Gong Practitioners
  14. [Northwest China] Teacher Ms. Jia is Illegally Sentenced to Forced Labor When Clarifying the Truth to Her Pupils
  15. [Southern China] Dafa Practitioners in a Certain City Hold a Medium-Scale Fa-Conference
  16. [Northeast China] Attempt to Frame Falun Gong Turns Out to be a "Laughing Stock"
  17. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang City] Vile Persons and Their Vicious Deeds

[Beijing] Dafa Truth-Clarifying Banner Appears in Chang'an Street

On March 30, a ten-meter long, (32 feet) vertical banner reading, "Jiang Staged the Tiananmen Self-Immolation to Poison the Chinese People," appeared near the National Trade Center on East Chang'an Street. This act effectively suffocated the evils.

[Baishan City, Jilin Province] Multiple Cases of Kidnapping of Falun Gong Practitioners

Nearly 20 well-known Dafa practitioners have been arrested. Some practitioners' families were not notified even 24 hours after they were detained. Some families asked the police about the practitioners' whereabouts after they got confirmed evidence of the practitioners' detentions, but the police authority refused to provide information.

It is said those practitioners who do not give up Falun Gong practice are sent to a brainwashing class in the Gangou area, Linjiang City.

We call on all kind-hearted people to pay attention to this issue.

Phone numbers relating to this incident in Baishan City:

Director Wang, Political and Judiciary Committee; 011-86-439-3226468

Zhang Fuli, director of Baishan City's Police Department: 011-86-13904496359

Political and Security Section of the Police Department: 011-86-439-3226690

Lu Yinjie, director of Badaojiang District's Police Precinct: 011-86-13904492426

Political and Security Section of Badaojiang District's Police Precinct: 011-86-439-3225602

[Yushu City, Jilin Province] Large-Scale Mid-March Raid Results in Arrest of Over 60 Practitioners

A practitioner from Changchun City was arrested recently. Then the cellular phones of several practitioners who contacted him/her were monitored. Between March 10 to 12, police personnel located these practitioners in Yushu City, not far from Changchun City. The police authority dispatched a director to Yushu City and started a large-scale raid.

The identities of those who had practiced Falun Gong at one time or another were verified, and their houses were searched. As long as a practitioner said he was still practicing, he would be arrested. If five pieces of Dafa truth-clarifying material, a truth VCD or a Dafa book were found at a person's home, then that person would be sentenced to imprisonment. Several practitioners stayed at home but they refused to open their doors. Lawless policemen even pried the doors open and forcibly took the practitioners away. Over 60 practitioners in total were arrested. Two practitioners are still being detained. More than 20 practitioners were transferred to a detention center. Many practitioners were forced to go into exile to live.

[Zibo City, Shandong Province] Illegal Arrest of Five Dafa Practitioners on the Chinese Ruling Dictator's Order to "Kill without Pardon"

After the Chinese ruling dictator issued the order of "kill without pardon," the authorities of Linzi District, Zibo City, Shandong Province again escalated the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Without any valid reasons, policemen from Linzi District's Police Department arrested five Dafa practitioners from No.2 Chemical Fertilizer Factory of Qilu Petroleum Company. The whereabouts of these practitioners are unknown.

[Changchun City, Jilin Province] Illegal Arrest of a Deaf-mute Dafa Practitioner

A deaf-mute Dafa Practitioner, Mr. Wang Hai and his wife Song Shuying, are about 20 years old and lived at No.1 of Jinfu Street, Changchun City. Recently, lawless policemen from the Xinchun Police Precinct arrested them as they were posting Dafa truth-clarifying flyers. On March 21, they were sent to Changchun City's No.3 Detention Center.

[Hailun City, Heilongjiang Province] Persecution Against Dafa Practitioners During March 2002

At the beginning of March, after Mr. Wen Jitao returned from Harbin City, he was arrested because he refused to disclose what he had done in Harbin City.

On March 12, a person reported Mr. Ding Jun to the police when he was delivering Dafa truth-clarifying flyers. Then Mr. Ding was kidnapped. After that, another practitioner Meng Jun, who had been out-of-town, was also arrested and sent back.

At about 10:00 p.m. on March 20, Ms. Zhang Shengqiao was arrested, and many truth-clarifying materials were confiscated. That same night, the returning police authority, the same officer who had just arrested Ms. Zhang, discovered her husband burning truth-clarifying materials. He was illegally detained for 15 days.

On March 24, Ms. Wang Yaru was arrested because a Dafa tape was found in her house.

Guo Shuang has been unconstitutionally detained for over half a year.

Zhao Lei and Xiao, staff members of the Political and Security Section, are in charge of persecuting Dafa practitioners. They are extremely rampant.

[Linjiang City, Jilin Province] Arrest of More Than 50 Falun Gong Practitioners During the "Two Conferences"

During the "two conferences" [People's Congress and The Political Consultation Conference] in March 2002, policemen ransacked Falun Gong practitioners' homes and forcibly arrested more than 50 Falun Gong practitioners without any valid reason. These Falun Gong Practitioners are still not released. During the detention, policemen brutally beat Dafa practitioners.

All Falun Gong practitioners and their families in Linjiang City are demanding that the officials in related departments immediately and unconditionally release all the detained Falun Gong practitioners. In the meantime, we call on all kind-hearted people to help stop this persecution.

[Southern China] A Large Number of Dafa Banners Appear in the Downtown Area and Around the Forced Labor Camp of a Certain City

Last week, over a hundred Dafa banners appeared near a notorious forced labor camp of a city in southern China. On March 25, seven Dafa banners with red characters on yellow background were hung at the railroad bridge in front of the Culture Center of this city. They were very bright and eye-catching, and effectively shocked the evils.

[Anguo City, Hebei Province] Destruction of a Truth-Clarifying Materials Center

At about 9:00 a.m. on March 20, 2002, the police authorities in Anguo City, Hebei Province destroyed a truth-clarifying materials center. Three practitioners were kidnapped, including a 5-year-old child. Three copiers and some paper were confiscated, which totaled a worth 50,000 Yuan [500 Yuan is average monthly income in urban area of China].

[Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province] Dafa Practitioner Ms. Xiang Juan is Illegally Sentenced to Three Years of Forced Labor

Dafa practitioner Ms. Xiang Juan went to Beijing to appeal, and on January 31, 2002 policemen arrested her. She was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor. At present she is detained at a forced labor camp in Zhenjiang City of Jiangsu Province.

[Jingmen City, Hubei Province] Illegal Detention of a 73-year-old Government Official

Mr. Li Jiliang, a 73-year-old Dafa practitioner, former director of Jingmen City's Technical Supervision Bureau, was illegally arrested. He is detained at No. 1 Detention Center. Practitioners Li Qingxia and Huang Zhaoxin are also illegally detained there. They are being tortured, and physically and mentally abused.

Ever since July 20, 1999, Chen Yonggui, deputy director of Jingmen City's Party Committee, has always been a leading persecutor of Dafa and practitioners. During a recent meeting held regarding the persecution of Falun Gong, Chen rampantly requested that officials should arrest practitioners at their work units. He also maliciously claimed, "Only beating Falun Gong practitioners can reform them." He also said he was going to hold a brainwashing class and those practitioners who didn't give up practice would be directly sent to a forced labor camp.

[Northeast China] A Colonel's Mother Goes to Beijing to Appeal

Ms. Zhang, a practitioner from Northeast China, is the mother of a colonel. After she practiced Falun Dafa, she deeply felt the power of Dafa and obtained personal benefits from Dafa. In order to safeguard Dafa, Ms. Zhang broke through her family's objections and firmly went on her way to Beijing to rectify the Fa.

[Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province] Kidnapping of Three Falun Gong Practitioners

Recently, policemen in Panzhihua City had often harassed three practitioners at their homes. In order to break through the evil force's arrangements, the three practitioners were forced to leave home to avoid illegal arrest. While they were distributing Dafa materials in a public park in another city, local policemen kidnapped them. One of the practitioners was a 17-year-old girl and the two others were a man and a woman in their fifties. Because they refused to reveal the source of Dafa truth-clarifying materials, their names and residence, the police are secretly detaining them in another place. Their whereabouts are unknown.

[Northwest China] Teacher Ms. Jia is Illegally Sentenced to Forced Labor When Clarifying the Truth to Her Pupils

A female teacher named Jia in a city in northwest China didn't want to see innocent children being poisoned by the evil, so she clarified the truth to her pupils and told them of the relentless persecution and brutal tortures against Dafa practitioners. After they got to know the truth, the pupils clarified the truth to their parents and relatives. But a parent who was poisoned by the government propaganda wrote a letter to the provincial "610 Office" (An agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute powers over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems). Recently, officials from the "610 Office" suddenly arrived at the school. They first dismissed the principal and school director from their posts and cancelled their Party memberships. Then they attempted to arrest teacher Jia, but they failed. Jia's husband was terminally ill, and she was not at the school. Several days later, this group of lawless police officers returned and kidnapped teacher Jia, who is well respected by many children. It was said that she was sentenced to one-and-a-half years of forced labor.

[Southern China] Dafa Practitioners in a Certain City Hold a Medium-Scale Fa-Conference

Recently, despite the evil's persecution, Dafa practitioners in a Southern Chinese city held a Fa-conference to share their experiences. They also collectively sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil and support Dafa practitioners in Changchun City.

[Northeast China] Attempt to Frame Falun Gong Turns Out to be a "Laughing Stock"

In the classroom of a medical university in Northeastern China, dozens of students listened attentively to their professor lecturing in an anatomy class. When talking about how to treat seriously wounded patients, the professor told a story after which the students didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. "One day, a hospital affiliated with our university received a patient with a serious stab wound to the abdomen. The authorities claimed that this person was a Falun Gong practitioner. Later, some news reporters arrived and were about to record this scenario on video. The reporters found out from the patient's family members that the patient was actually a psychotic and had attempted to commit suicide several times before. As there were many people, their attempt to frame Falun Gong failed and the reporters dejectedly left."

[Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang City] Vile Persons and Their Vicious Deeds

  1. Liu Guangdong, male, about 25 years old, is a policeman from the Zhongshan Police Precinct. Whenever there is an arrest of Falun Gong practitioner to be made, he is always the vanguard. He repeatedly uses all manner of methods to harass Dafa practitioners who live in the district that he is responsible for, as well as other districts. His methods include but are not limited to making harassing phone calls, ransacking homes and other bad deeds. His phone number at work is 011-86-454-8782593 and his cell phone number is 011-86-138366619123.
  2. Li Chunfa, male, 54 years old, is director of the Political Committee of Jiamusi City's Security Team. He lives in the residential area of the Police Department in the Qianjin District of Jiamusi City. His phone number is 011-86-454-8224587.

After July 20, Li Chunfa led some policemen from the Security Team to arrest Dafa practitioners who had gone to Beijing. In mid-August, he escorted Dafa practitioner Chen Ying back to Jiamusi City and caused her to jump off the train to avoid the illegal arrest. Sadly, Ms. Chen was killed as a result. Li Chunfa didn't learn a lesson from this and continued to look upon practitioners with hatred. On October 8, 2000, he persecuted practitioner Mr. Li Guo, who was a Security Team policeman at the Jiangshang Police Precinct, by trying to force him to give up his belief in Falun Gong and write the so-called "Revelation Statement." He also had people open Mr. Li Guo's locker in the office, and confiscated Zhuan Falun and another Dafa book. He even asked Li to resign from the Party and from his work. Under Li Chunfa's urging, the police department made the decision to fire Mr. Li Guo.

Telephone numbers of the vile persons related to these matters:

Song Jinhe, director of Jiamusi City's Police Department: 011-86-454-8298001;

Li Shuqing, deputy director of Jiamusi City's Police Department: 011- 86-454-8298006;

Hu Guohua, chief of Jiamusi City's Security Section: 011- 86-454-8224587.