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Falun Dafa in Martinique [French West Indies] (Photos)

May 14, 2002 |  

FEBRUARY, 14-15-16 and 17, 2002: Falun Gong practitioners of Guadeloupe have been in Martinique [French West Indies]to help clarify the truth and promote Dafa on the sister island. It was a good opportunity to inform people of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.

Two TV stations reported on this event. We also clarified the truth to the Chinese community living there, and they kindly accepted our flyers.


La Savane, at Fort de France Report and interview by RFO Martinique TV station

Mme Lucette Michaux-Chevry City Hall of Schoelcher, Regional Councillor

Mayor Alfred Almont

Mayor Alfred Almont has decided to support Falun Gong and offer his help. He invited us to a meeting at city hall, where we took the opportunity to clarify the truth to the government officials.

The same evening the mayor permitted us to put up a booth on the central city place. A lot of people looked at our demonstration and took flyers. They encouraged us to continue to expose the persecution in China. Some children stayed in front watching us for a long time.


Demonstration and vigil on Schoelcher place

Sending righteous thoughts
