Falun Gong practitioners continuously practiced the exercises in front of the Hotel to protest on April 29. (by photographer from World Daily: Ning Weiyu)
[World Daily, April 30, New York] Since the Chinese Vice President Hu Jintao arrived at his New York residence, the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel on the morning of April 29, protest groups had followed him. During his one-day visit in New York City, wherever he went, Hu would see Falun Gong practitioners and Tibetan protest groups waiting outside, appealing and protesting, calling Hu to listen to their aspirations, which frequently let Hu encounter the awkwardness when he visited different places.
Before Dawn on April 29, when Hu Jintao arrived at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, besides the Chinese "welcome team", Falun Gong practitioners and Tibetan protest group also held protesting slogans in the rain to welcome him. Last morning, Hu Jintao went to the New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street to ring the opening. As soon as he came out, he again confronted those persevering protesters.
When Hu Jintao returned his hotel to meet the Mayor of the City of New York and the Governor of the State of New York, a dozen Tibetans and a dozen Falun Gong practitioners already waited for him at the front door of the hotel. Tibetans shouted loudly to protest, while Falun Gong practitioners requested to free practitioners imprisoned and to stop the persecution. Public figures who came to the meeting all saw the protests.