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Summary of Other Articles and News - 04/29/2002

May 02, 2002 |  


Comprehensive News From China Today, one hundred and forty five practitioners issued solemn declarations stating that their words and behavior, resulting from the forced brainwashing and pressure of the evil persecution that did not conform to Dafa's standards are void. From now on, they will redouble their efforts to compensate for losses to Dafa and clarify the truth to the world's people in order to follow Teacher's Fa-rectification.

Tuanjie District Police Substation and Jining Public Security Bureau in Huhehot, Inner Mongolia, jointly committed the offence of breaking into a practitioner's home in an attempt to search and arrest him. This practitioner used righteous thoughts and evaded arrest, but was forced to leave home. The police arrested the practitioner's daughter who did not cultivate Falun Dafa and detained her overnight. To this day, policemen continue to go to the home of this practitioner every day and interrogate the family about his whereabouts.

Experience-sharing Among Disciples

See through the mentality of utilitarianism and self-protection of the old forces. From the perspective of the old forces, if Dafa practitioners do not eliminate their attachments, the future of the universe will not be safe. As a result, the safety of the old forces will not be insured. Hence, they do not hesitate to have practitioners beaten, injured, crippled and even tortured to death. All the arrangements they have made can help them avoid the risk of being unable to return back after coming down into the Three Realms, and also help them protect their safety during Fa-rectification. They also mean to establish their so-called mighty virtue through arranging the Fa-rectification. Such arrangements expose their deep-rooted mentality of utilitarianism and self-protection.

Fa-Rectification Stories

1. Two police officers went to the home of a practitioner. The male practitioner erected his palm and sent forth righteous thoughts for about seven to eight minutes after which he clarified the truth to the police. Before the officers left he said to them, "Next time, give me a call before you come." They agreed and left.

2. A fellow practitioner was unfortunately arrested when distributing truth clarification materials in a residential area. She knew that if she revealed her name and address, the vicious police would ransack her home, take away her computer and lots of Dafa materials, her husband would be arrested and lots of other practitioners would also be harmed. Although the vicious police exhausted all their available means, she still didn't give them her name and address.

On January 2, 2002, fellow practitioner "Plump Sister" (she gets this nickname because she is a little overweight) came to the monument at Tiananmen Square. She unfurled a Dafa banner and shouted loudly: "Falun Dafa is good!" Tourists on the Square all looked at her. But the two policemen who stood nearby simply did not see her at all. Plump Sister has been to Beijing three times to participate in Fa-rectification. She has returned safely each time.

Defeating the evil with righteous thoughts and leaving the brainwashing class behind

Just after the festival of lanterns [the 15th day of the first Chinese lunar month], I was kidnapped and sent to a brainwashing class. I refused to cooperate with the evil and started a hunger strike. Later I walked right out of the brainwashing class with righteous thoughts. Under Teacher's protection and with the help of fellow practitioners, I returned to the onrush of Fa-rectification.

News and Activities around the World

On April 27, Chinese Vice President Hu Jintao arrived in Hawaii during his visit to the United States. Local Falun Gong practitioners got together in front of the Hilton Hawaii where Hu stayed to peacefully appeal for Falun Gong.

Stories of a Russian practitioner distributing Dafa newspapers: "Once when I was comforting my crying son, I found people were lining up to take the Dafa newspapers that I had in the baby carriage. Another time, a school guard helped me hand out newspapers for more than one hour; when I was distributing the newspaper on a street, a man said to me sincerely, 'You are truly great! You are doing a good thing.'"

During the Easter holiday, I went to Germany to introduce Dafa for 3 days. On my way to a city located in the Alps, I handed out Dafa materials on the train. Many Chinese people took the material. Some of them looked indifferent, some of them appeared to be doubtful, while others seemed to be shocked. When the train stopped at the bottom of the mountain, I got off the train. There were many Chinese tourists there and I soon passed out all the materials I had. I then wore my "Falun Dafa is Good" pin. After I got on the train again, I talked to some Chinese students about the truth of Falun Gong.