(Clearwisdom.net) The Annual Greater Toronto York Area Health Expo was held in the Sheraton Parkway Hotel on May 5, 2002. Falun Gong practitioners participated in the Expo, and they continually maintained righteous thoughts and brought Dafa to thousands of Expo attendees.

It seemed that everything had already been arranged for Dafa. When the Expo organizer learned that we were going to demonstrate exercises, he offered two additional exhibition spaces to us. It essentially enlarged our original space fivefold, free of charge, and thus more people could see us.
During the exhibition, some practitioners continually demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises while other practitioners distributed information and taught the exercises to whoever wanted to learn. Practitioners' colorful exercise uniform, soothing and tranquil music, and elegant, peaceful exercises attracted numerous visitors to our booths. People continued to stop by our booths to get information or learn exercises, all day long. A lady said she came to the Expo simply because she read from a newspaper that Falun Gong was going to be part of it. An elderly gentleman had witnessed the beatings of Falun Gong practitioners on Tiananmen Square. Upon seeing practitioners' demonstration, he said that he could not believe how the Chinese police could treat peaceful people in such a manner. Society needs Truth-Compassion-Tolerance.
Many people expressed a desire to attend the nine-day class and to continue practicing Falun Gong. The Expo was held at a hotel near many Chinese establishments, so many Chinese people also stopped by. Several Chinese people also learned the exercises on the spot.
Through the Expo, many people got the opportunity to connect to Falun Dafa. Still, there are so many people waiting for us to tell them of Dafa's magnificence and share with them the wonderfulness of Falun Dafa. We will strive to do more, and to do it better.