Taipei's people and foreign visitors like to go to Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall for recreation. It not only is good for sightseeing but also has a lot of activities. So Taipei practitioners go to Memorial Hall every Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. to teach exercises and clarify the truth.

Practitioners pick their available times and show up in turn. From summer to winter, no matter if there is wind or rain, practitioners always go to the Memorial Hall.
Practitioners have met all kinds of people. Some of them have already learned the merits of Falun Dafa from relatives and come directly to learn the exercises. Others bring questions to ask practitioners. A few people have been deceived by fabricated media programs, so practitioners clarified the truth to them.
Practitioners also met a lot of visitors from Mainland China. Most of them are kind and have good impressions of Taiwan but they are afraid to accept truth-clarifying materials. But they are also very curious about Falun Dafa so they stand and watch the exercises. Many of them take out cameras and camcorders to record the demonstration.