(Clearwisdom.net) On weekends, Israel Falun Gong practitioners voluntarily came to the Red Sea to introduce Falun Gong to the local people and clarified the truth about Falun Gong to the Chinese builders working here. Practitioners felt that more and more people have realized the evil nature of the persecution.

Story one: A Chinese worker who wants to read a Dafa book
After playing videos of "What is the Real Story about Tiananmen Self-Immolation", "The 4.25 Zhongnanhai Incident" and "The Human Rights Violation towards Falun Gong", a Chinese worker told me: I knew that Falun Gong is good long before, because my elder sister practiced it before and now is still practicing. He told me that he read a few pages of a Dafa book and knew that Falun Gong is teaching people to be good. He also asked us if we had the book. When he obtained a Chinese copy of "Falun Gong", he was very happy and expressed that he would carefully read it this time.
Story two: A girl who was reluctant to leave
When we practiced the exercises and spread Dafa by the Sea, our yellow T-shirts and the beautiful Dafa music attracted many people. They constantly came to ask for Dafa materials and asked many questions. It is interesting to mention that there was a blond teenage girl who kept watching us. After obtaining Dafa flyers, she said that our practitioners have halos over our bodies and that we have energy. So she just waited at the side, till we ended our Fa-spreading activity. She was reluctant to leave until we said goodbye to her. She is really a person with a predestined relationship.