1. Morning Exercises

"As if with intent, yet without intent; hand movements follow the energy mechanisms.
As if empty, yet not empty; move or become still with ease." [From the Falun Dafa Exercise Instructions-unofficial translation]
In the early morning hours of May 26, approximately 100 Dafa practitioners from various regions of San Francisco Bay gathered on the central lawn of Stanford University to conduct the five sets of Falun Dafa exercises. The practitioners' peaceful movements attracted much attention from people in the surrounding area. A reporter from Freedom Garden was deeply moved and inspired by the serene scene of the Dafa exercises and shot some photos.
2. Utilizing the long weekend to improve as one body, the practitioners held a group Fa study. During the Fa study practitioners read Guiding The Voyage, watched the videotape of Teacher's Fa lecture in Boston and also watched a tape of the experience sharing given at the Toronto conference. When the practitioners shared experiences and insights, the group realized that studying Fa well is of utmost importance. They also understood that when practitioners run into problems and get into arguments, it is because they did not understand the Fa from within Fa, improve as one body and weren't taking the overall situation of Fa rectification into consideration. Only by studying the Fa can we place Dafa in the correct position instead of using our personal understandings.
They also came to realize that the continuing conflicts among practitioners were due to various reasons. Namely, they did not see the cause of a matter from the perspective of Dafa, did not place Dafa in the primary place and did not value improvement as one body. Teacher has said, "Amidst tribulations, it is very difficult for a student to see the cause of a matter; but it's not that it is impossible. When he calms his mind and evaluates things with Dafa, he will be able to see the nature of the matter ("Rationality" from Essentials for Further Advancement II)". It is only through studying the Fa that we are able to see the true situation, place Dafa first and develop more compassion for others including fellow practitioners. When we succeed in doing this, we would truly do Dafa work well and prevent any possible obstacles.
Teacher has said, "The Fa can break all attachments, the Fa can destroy all evil, the Fa can shatter all lies, and the Fa can strengthen righteous thoughts ("Drive Out Interference" from Essentials for Further Advancement II)". We realized that we should confront our shortcomings and always look inward whenever running into xinxing frictions. In this way, we will establish a good cultivation environment of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Only by upgrading as one body can we better clarify the truth and offer salvation to all sentient beings.
Practitioners also concluded that when our righteous thoughts are powerful, the evil forces would be unable to survive.
Category: April 25 Events