City of Raleigh
North Carolina
WHEREAS, Falun Dafa is a self-improvement practice and system of exercises and teachings originating in ancient Chinese culture that deeply transform the mind and body and emphasizes the assimilation to the universal principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance"; and,
WHEREAS, Falun Dafa consists of four simple exercises and a meditation. They have proven to have wonderful physical and mental health benefits and are offered free of charge; and,
WHEREAS, as founder of Falun Dafa, Mr. Li Hongzhi has, through his selfless and tireless efforts to benefit others, educated over 100 million people of all social backgrounds, races and cultures in more than 50 countries, bridged the gap between east and west; and,
WHEREAS, the practitioners of Falun Dafa has remained true to the teachings of Mr. Li Hongzhi and demonstrated great compassion and tolerance under the most severe environment that has touched the heart of every kind-hearted human beings;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Charles Meeker, Mayor of the City of Raleigh, do hereby proclaim May 12-19, 2002, as TRUTH-COMPASSION-TOLERANCE WEEK, extend best wishes to the practitioners for their commitment to non-violence and peace in their community.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the City of Raleigh, to be affixed this 7th Day of May, 2002.
Charles Meeker, Mayor

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