Independence Day Parade in the City of Columbus
In the capital city of Columbus, Ohio, the annual Independence Day parade and fireworks display on July 3 is the biggest entertainment and celebration event in central Ohio. Tens of thousands of people come to watch it each year. To take advantage of this opportunity to spread Dafa and clarify the truth to the people of Ohio, Dafa practitioners from Columbus and Cincinnati actively joined the Independence Day parade in Columbus this year.

Falun Gong practitioners attend the Independence Day parade on July 3 in the City of Columbus.
In the traditional western style parade procession, the Eastern flavored Falun Gong practitioners' dance team and float stood out and were extremely attractive. Following the dance team was the beautiful float decorated with colorful balloons and ribbons and eye-catching banners reading, "Falun Dafa." Three practitioners dressed in yellow practice suits serenely demonstrated the 5 sets of Falun Gong exercises on the float. This brought a feeling of serenity and peace to the lively and noisy holiday. Other practitioners handed out Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials to the spectators along the route.
After the parade ended, people constantly asked practitioners questions about Falun Gong. Some people felt sorry for missing the chance to obtain the materials. Some expressed their wishes to come to the practice site and learn Falun Gong.
Independence Day Parade in the City of Upper Arlington
On the next day, July 4, practitioners attended the Independence Day Parade in the City of Upper Arlington. Although the city is not that big, the city's annual Independence Day parade is very famous for its large size and its beautiful float decorations. This was the first time practitioners joined this parade.

Falun Gong practitioners attend the Independence Day parade on July 4 in the City of Upper Arlington.
Although it was very hot, the two sides of the street along the parade route were filled with enthusiastic crowds of people. In the long parade procession that was composed of more than 400 organizations and floats, Falun Gong practitioners brought spectators the one and only message from the East. Spectators warmly applauded the practitioners. Some people loudly read the words on the banner: "Falun Dafa." An old gentleman told others, "In China, they are persecuted." A middle-aged gentleman raised his thumbs and shouted: "Wonderful! Wonderful! ...."
The entire parade lasted about 2 hours. Despite of the hot climate and fatigue, practitioners all felt very happy because the beauty of Falun Dafa was planted into people's hearts through our efforts.