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Sankei News, Japan: Falun Gong Practitioners Parade and Launch Petition Drive to Rescue Kaneko Yuko from Detention in China

July 20, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) The Sankei News in Japan reported on July 7, 2002: In late May, Kaneko Yoko, a 38-year-old housewife from Niigata County, Japan and a Chinese passport holder, was detained by the Chinese government for delivering flyers in Beijing asking for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong. A parade to rescue Kaneko Yoko was organized on July 6, 2002 in Niigata County.

A large number of people took part in the parade. Kaneko Atusi, Kaneko Yoko's 46-year-old husband and Abe Ayumi, her 31-year-old cousin, who is also a housewife in Niigata, were also in the parade.

Abe Ayumi was detained at the same time as Kaneko Yoko, but was repatriated from China.

People in the parade wore yellow or white T-shirts with: "SOS" printed on the front. They raised banners which were written with characters like "Rescue Yoko" etc. and held the photo of Yoko in their hands. Falun Gong practitioners in the parade asked for signatures and support from the residents. Kaneko Atusi hopes that his wife will return to him as soon as possible and sincerely expects more people to take part in the petition drive.

Today, July 7, 2002, Kaneko Atusi etc. also collected signatures at the Niigata railway station and some busy streets in the city.