(Clearwisdom.net) Recently, practitioners from New Jersey held Falun Dafa introductory seminars at Montville Public Library and Lakewood City Hall. More than 50 citizens from both cities attended the seminars.
Montville residents learning Falun Dafa exercises, watching Falun Dafa videos.
A state senator and two assemblymen jointly issued a proclamation for the Montville Falun Dafa Introductory Seminar. To honor Falun Dafa, the Mayor of Lakewood City also issued a "Falun Dafa Week" proclamation on June 15, 2002.
To ensure the success of the introductory seminars, the Montville Public Library and Lakewood City Hall helped to publicize the events. The Montville Library displayed the time and location of the Falun Dafa introductory seminar outside the library and on their display board at the entrance. The Mayor's office of Lakewood City especially issued a news release for the seminar and published it on a local newspaper. In addition, they also put a poster for the Falun Dafa introductory seminar in their display window at City Hall.

Before the end of the introductory seminars, in order to meet the requests from the citizens who came to learn the exercises, practitioners decided to set up practice sites in both cities and hold group practice there once a week.
Category: April 25 Events