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Voice of America: US Congress Holds a Hearing about the Beijing Government's Persecution of Falun Gong

July 06, 2002 |  


On June 26, 2002, Voice of America journalist Qian Wei reported that a member of the US House Committee on Human Rights, Ms. Woolsey, presided over a hearing to investigate Beijing's persecution of Falun Gong.

The report stated that Ms Woolsey had held a recent hearing investigating the persecution of Falun Gong by the Beijing government. Falun Gong practitioners recounted how the Chinese government has tried to suppress the practice and practitioners of Falun Gong inside and outside of China. A video and photo exhibit documenting the persecution of Western and Chinese practitioners on Tiananmen Square was also shown.

Ms. Woolsey spoke of the millions of Falun Gong practitioners outside of China who are trying to urge Beijing to end the persecution and allow practitioners to practice their fundamental freedom of belief. Ms. Woolsey noted that Beijing recently deported many Westerners who went to Beijing to peacefully appeal. Despite arrest they will continue to appeal.

Chinese diplomats in the US are also pressuring American government officials who support Falun Gong in local communities to withdraw their support. Ms. Woolsey commented that she is very fortunate to be able to work toward improving human rights in China alongside Falun Gong practitioners. She will initiate a resolution to support human rights action in China. She hopes that President Bush will clearly put pressure on Beijing to end the persecution as well.

Written on June 26, 2002